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Its heating up Israel


After Trump Decelaration of Jerusalem, Angry Arab Leaders Send Black Pastor In America a Letter

This is "After Trump Decelaration of Jerusalem, Angry Arab Leaders Send Black Pastor In America a Letter" by Pastor Dowell on Vimeo, the home for high...



This is only a strategy for them, and not a sincere repentance for a brotherly outstretched hand, they have known the truth for a long time and have not said anything at all when all the atrocities were going on against the Hebrews in America and they were alongside the nations that betray Yahisrael and now they want to all of suddenly make an effort because they are losing their piece of the wicked occupation of Jerusalem and are pissed at America. Or it may be a spinoff for that church to get more followers. Whatever it is we need to see real true fruits of any nation that is trying to be sincere with Yahisrael, and that will be a very hard thing to see from the nations.


I look forward to the future!....and Bro Raymond makes an excellent point!!


Greetings my brother in the name of Yahushua Hamashiach and the Most High Yahuah!! Excellent point bro. Raymond. Shalom.


Shlama on you brother Sihon. Yes we keep our self in knowledge of their games of hatred and envy, but always have our eyes on the kingdom, their concern is of this world. The arabs are in league with the nations because they are of the nations. Shlama on you Sister Zsa Zsa, do not think that the nations of africa is on Yahisrael side wether they be black or brown. Now their is real Yahisrael in africa too but that is not the same as the nations of africa. All nations will bow their knees to the King of kings no matter of skin hue.