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Head Coach of the San Antonio Spurs Greg Popovich fearlessly tells the truth most are not willingly to speak about accept Pastor Dowell. 

He also has a military back ground. Hats off to the NBA.

I use this word a lot "Uncomfortable." 


Gregg Popovich discusses President Trump at media day

Coach Popovich tells the truth!



Of course it will lead to more racism, because there is only denial from one side and that is not how it will be solved. But it is different to talk about racism that is a response because of the suffering of oppression and holocaust and a whole of another of racism when a whole system is built by racism to execute a false superiority based on lies. Now racism in any form at all is not anything near righteousness and nowhere in scripture will you find talking about racism. Races, It is a made up word to replace the word nations and seeds, which is a false teaching, simply put, depending on wether you have melanin in your skin or not is a factor that states superiority. Now that is a great lie that majority of white people want to hold on to, despite many of them see them self as believers of the Word. Either you as a believer of the Word go by it fully or you go by your lies and so called science of evolution and believe in that people that not have melanin in their skin is the newest evolution of humans and by belief having a sense of superiority, which is so far from the truth it can be, now that's a false religion. So to come to conclusion if anyone want to fix this problem it has to be in terms of fair discussion which all parts have to acknowledge the truth of this system built on oppression and racism. Only so simple as te statistics of people with color shoot and killed says it all. And not mentioning world wide complications and disaster done because of racism.

Sister Tawania

Keep making them uncomfortable, welcome to the painful truth! Thank you Pastor Dowell for sharing this!