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Explosion on London Subway



Stan Barnett

Good morning , your right pastor pay attention to what people do not what they say. #preparingtoleaveLA

James McClain

Good admonition Pastor Dowell. Both items caught my attention this morning before tuning in here at Patreon. These things are very relevant and we need to be cognizant of the things Yahshua told us in Matthew 24. As well, we need to take to heart as a country that we may very well not be the toughest kid on the block anymore. It was hypothesized that the ramming of both the Fitzgerald and McCain were not innocent accidents but rather that our navy has become susceptible to cyber-attack. That is no longer pure speculation as our navy is now investigating both incidents as having been cyber-attack. <a href="http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/09/14/u-s-navy-investigating-if-destroyer-crash-was-caused-by-cyberattack/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/09/14/u-s-navy-investigating-if-destroyer-crash-was-caused-by-cyberattack/</a> Shalom!