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Morning my fellow patrons, Shabbat Shalom!

Yesterday we had the birth of another boy at Straitway. Brother Scott had a son, his wife Sister Angelica is doing fine, the boy is a healthy 9lbs 1oz. 

Brother Scott then texted me, "I am still in Canada," Brother Scott said, "In honor of you Pastor, his name is Charles."

I was very humbled, I cried so much tears of joy that evening and I even tear up now thinking about it. Believe me I receive a lot honor and much respect from everyone who is deeply connected to the family of Straitway. I was not expecting this and what a blessings. Thank you YAH!

So his name is Charles, which means "manly man."

I also baptized three Israelites yesterday, myself and Sister Carol has been ministering, counseling, delivering, and doing the work of the Kingdom. All the children are growing fast, little Isaac is really growing! Of course we took a "Northern Tribes of Israel Photo."

I pray you all are doing well, I hope to start the patreon only live call in broadcast July the 5th at 6:00pm CST. I am hoping and praying the launch date will go as planned. 

I cannot say enough about the faithfulness of Brother Steve and Sister Wenda, their love is evident for the Messiah the Most High and the Straitway family. They love us with all of their hearts and we them. 

Brother Brett, and Brother James have been in South Carolina all week building the soffit for the Community there at Straitway South Carolina. 

Enjoy the rest Yah has given us this day and may His love continue to abide in you always, THE KING IS COMING!!!

Pastor Dowell


Civil Queen

So Beautiful! I'm so happy for my Ra'ah and my Bro and Sister's new addition.