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Wm Frazier

Since this is Patreon I feel more comfortable to share this: My cousin was robbed by the land pirates (Cops) by utilizing asset forefeiture bs against him, He lost 400k in assets and is currently waiting on sentencing for a trial he just lost. He was not allowed to enter his financial records to prove where his money had come from during his trial. The first cop to take the stand was caught in the lie but the next 19 that took the stand made sure not to make the same mistake. I never thought something like this could happen in America under the probable cause of a disgruntled female who was caught prostituting. They wanted to keep the assets and offered him 4 months in jail, he wanted a trial because he did nothing wrong. Once the woman took the stand lying and crying was all it took, the jury took no notes and promptly returned a guilty verdict. He worked his butt off since we where kids to get what he has so he did not just want to hand it over for giggles to the cops who specifically told the girl they wanted someone with assets.

Joshua Gorman

Cell411 looks like it may be the best app to use when it comes to interactions with police, alerting your people and recording. <a href="https://getcell411.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://getcell411.com</a> Excerpt from web site "You cannot erase a previously streamed video through the Cell 411 interface. This is in order to protect your footage from a malicious users who may have stolen your phone in an effort to erase evidence of wrongdoing."