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  1. **7F Progress Report**
  2. tl;dr - 7F scheduled for Late May; "Spring Cleaning" release scheduled for end of April
  3. Bo is still working hard on 7F, and finally feels confident setting Late May as a deadline for himself. We know this is much later than any of you wanted/expected, but as always we stand by the work itself and hope it will be worth the wait. As the map teaser below will hopefully convince you: 7F is practically a standalone game.
  4. As for the interim release: this is of my design and was something I was planning to add along with 7F, but 7F is taking so long that the benefits of pairing them (heralding the new content with richer and more polished foundation) no longer outweighs the cost (failing to give you guys any tangible signs of life).
  5. This update will contain additional content for all the floors. Notably, many combat dialogues and twists are being added to make fights more repayable from a lewd/rp perspective. More floor events are also being added, especially if you've become submissive to certain bosses. There will even be some CG support now that my artistic skills have improved (and don't worry; Bo always gives me stuff a once-over). As mentioned before, Karen and Cobra will be getting special attention, but everyone (yes, even Lily -- even Miss Claus, actually) has something substantial in the works. I don't want to spoil too much, but I will say I'm excited for some special events where the ladies actually notice if a boy has been foolish enough to end up at Lvl/ATK/DEF 1... and treat him accordingly.
  6. Anyway, I was going to recommend that people start a fresh save for 7F, but since people would (understandably) probably want to rush right to 7F, staggering the releases is probably for the best.
  7. As always, thanks for everyone's patience and support. I know I always sign off with that, but it deserves to be recognized every time; you all believing in us is why 7F is possible over simple bosses-of-the-month.
  8. Please find below a sketch of the 7F map. (And before anyone asks: yes, it is still in the Tower.)


(No title)



First. Wow It's Huge




Great, will be expecting this !


Neat, looking forward to it all. Keep up the great work!




I hope there will be some kissing attacks from Mrs. Claus!


i been waiting for this for so long lol im happy to know ill be in for a treat in May.


lmao I stand by my last comment "we won't finish by april" from the last post.. the creators have taken 4 months sense a major update the "worth the wait" has past and gone no matter how you add it up this update is still only adding a single floor unless they are adding 5 to 7 new girls I don't really see it worth the wait. Adding new stuff to the girls we have already is nice but for 4 months I expect a lot of new stuff not the same characters with a few new CG. Any way don't wish to be the dick in the room but someone gots to state it.


Jesus christ the 7th floor is like a village. Hype.


Damn, I am definitely intrigued. Can't wait to see what's in store for us...


Lily! Lily! Sorry, but I more like Rose now....


*insert Count Dooku* I've been looking forward to this


that is a huge map.... thanks for your hard work


Wait, define stand-alone game? how many people are there on floor 7?


Boi, finally some news!!! Really hyped both for the update and the floor. This is my favorite h-game and going without it for months really sucked


Oh, the tower of trample is a inverted pyramid ;)


I accept any delay if there is more Khulan content


I don't really understand about the picture, but it looks like worth to wait. Thank you for your hard work Bo Wei.


It's a good day. Finally some news about the overdue updates. Looks like a huge patch. Look forward to it!

Padoru Padoru~

You better use that toilet in Karen's room! You can't just tease us with it and never use it! Of course, the other girls using it is fine too ^_^


Isnt the link on top suppoed to work? Because i keep getting an error when I open it.


if you want here's a copy <a href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/445020973960265729/565496233871933441/unknown.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/445020973960265729/565496233871933441/unknown.png</a>




The Spring Cleaning Update (which is not 7F) is scheduled for May 8th. You can find a more detailed post on Discord or in the Community Posts tab here.






A progress report on the Spring Cleaning update (Part 1 scheduled May 15) has been added to the Community Tab.


If it is not updated by May, I will give up...and i'll stopped pay for his work


Will there be more spitting content like Scarlett has?


they push back the release again from may 8 to may 15 they really need to fix there releases each time they set a time they never match it come on guys stop pushing back the releases!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this fools are just stealing money from suckers...why pay anything when you can get it for free


dude stop getting mad, they are working on it and you know the quality and amount of content. Two man work, when they are trying to make something totally new it will take a lot of effort and challenge, don't be salty.


tho I do see where you are coming with your comment but you must understand that some supports will be feeling rip off at this point we have not had a release in a few months and every time they put out a release date they push it back patiences has a limit and it has passed now


they will give us the answer satisfied at 5/15 , i trust ~


yep...... it starts all over again come on guys you are making your selfs look very suspicious you keep pushing back the release again and again and again you can't keep doing this you said you where going to separated the release so we can at least play a part of it but even that can't happen without it being push back.......


Its hard to hate people who say bad things about the creators when this keeps happening. people are getting impatient and are going to start pulling there funding


i did warn you all that this idiots are scamming you...look how much money they get a month from suckers that are too blind to see they are getting scam... they keep on saying is only 2 dollars but when hundreds of people are paying it counts.. stop giving these idiots money..


I'm sorry for earlier Gerry. I really thought 15/5 would be the release date. I'm starting to lose faith aswell..


Yeah this is turning into a shitshow really fast. It's sad, it used to be my favorite hentai game


Gonna hold out for a May 15th update. If it gets pushed back AGAIN I am out. I understand you wanna put out a game with a "Meat and Potatoes" quality and feel to it. But you gotta understand the supporters are more interested in a constant supply of potato chips kind of feel. If you could break your updates into smaller bites and increase the smaller content on a regular basis you would retain way more support. Here's hoping to not being served disappointment in two days.


Didn't you hear? It was already delayed past the 15th into "IDK whenever I'm done" a few days ago.


Tbh personally I'd rather get a lot of scenes at once after 4 months than a few scenes a month for 4 months straight, but maybe I'm just weird. Short updates suck, I definitely prefer a lot of content to play through at once, but maybe you should try to release something every month, even if it's not much, while building up to a large release when you can. Maybe like the "spring cleaning" kind of stuff where you add scenes to already existing characters could come as soon as you release it for each character to let people know you're still working on it and you haven't forgotten about it, while keeping new floors coming all at once? I'm looking forward to the new update, hope it's as meaty as promised, 2 bucks a month (24 bucks a year guys) is fine as long as I know you're working on it the whole time to make it as good as possible. Love your work, keep it up, don't compromise quality even if it means taking your time.


do you understand each supporter is giving them 2 bucks but in total they are making $2000 each month for 4 months without updating there game


show us at least some pics of the new update or anything we can hang on


Continua a sviluppare questo spelndio gioco e prenditi tutto il tempo che vuoi avrai sempre il mio supporto


Well soon to be may 17 still no comment or update on how much longer we have to wait....$20 we won't see the half update into the end of this month


Hey dudes. Ive been on the thread on a certain site... the hate is stupid. Oh noes! my 12 dollars! You need more time, you take more time. And before you ask: Because i want more of the game. I want 10... no, 20... no, 50 floors. I want all the floors and if i have to pay 2 bucks a month (and everyone else unsubs and gets it for free), no worries. I dont care about you getting the game, i care about me getting the game.


So they have 2000 dollars a month... is like nothing to be honest... thats says they are mid level artist / designer - annuel salary I am guessing 70000 , on a hourly level / 12 month/4 week/5 day /8hours = 36 dollar / h 2000/ 36 = 55.5h 55.5h/ 30days / 2 people = roughly 1 hour / day , anything extra is like working without over time 55.5 h what can you possibly achieve? lets say one drawing is 7 hours . even with 55.5 hours you only get 7~ 8 drawings, 1 mistress alone will be just that. and you still have to budget + storying line + game design + playtest against bug + sound + minor programing I would assume since rpgmaker is very good if anything they didn't have enough time, and i think for them to actually make this game they still need more money or more time.


Here's another way to look at it, 5 months and over ten thousand dollars of funding and all we've gotten is a map and over six missed release dates to show for it. I'm sorry but pretty much all arguments for and against how things have been developing will be broken or validated based on the release. That's really all there is to it.


Still no comment from the devepentment Devs not a SINGLE WORD in months nice to see them give us the middle finger while taking our money y do they not update or talk to their patrons????

K - ꓘ

Horny, Cranky Children.


I don't think it's so much that they are cranky over not getting updates in the game, but more that they set a deadline and then not fullfiling their promise.


Please unsubscribe thanks stop follow


If u don't want to wait🙄


or the devs tell us what the hell is taking so long so we don't feel like we are getting rip off jack ass


If u feel it's wasting money , then unsubscribe , asshole , who cares about that 12$ bucks?


you can gladly waste your money pay pig if you want unlike you some of us want results not throwing there money away 2 dollars or not


anyone alive here?


Wait so, no spring cleaning?




welp if we are lucky it will come out by the end of this month..... cross your fingers and get your pitchforks ready


Yeah, I'm waiting until the end of the month . I can understand that these things take time, but not saying anything to us when you're already a week past the last deadline you gave is pretty discouraging. I can wait a long time if I know somethings being done, but without any kind of progress report it just feels like we're getting screwed over.


hey it has been 10 days, what's going on here


From Koda on discord: Last Thurday at 19:00 I can guarantee it will be by end of month Since if I'm not done I'll just release what is done then


4 days left will a update come or will the wait continue.... I guess we will see




Prog. report posted in Community tab


Like I stated before promises still have not been meet part 1 still can't be released on time cobra is the only girl being release at the end of the month don't tell us things that you don't expect to happen all it does is bring disappointment.


well ladies and gentlemen we are at the last day of the month and no 24 hour heads up will there be a cobra release today or.....you know more push back cast your votes


i think there is something more importan than just a small update; will 7f (that i guess is the main focus/update that should be expected)be released within May? I Quote Koda's words: "Bo is still working hard on 7F, and finally feels confident setting Late May as a deadline for himself. We know this is much later than any of you wanted/expected, but as always we stand by the work itself and hope it will be worth the wait. As the map teaser below will hopefully convince you: 7F is practically a standalone game."


pfft don't waste your finger energy bud there no update coming this month we are less then 30 mins before the next month unless Bo pulls a miracle out of his ass it not going to happen and a standalone game is not likely tho I love to be proven wrong of course but hey I am just a walking talking bear after all what do I know


Are we going to have an angry mob in 24 hours?


cool,nothing happen as usual


Koda you motherfucker screwed us again, go fuck yourself


Hey guys come on now don't look so down in the dumps I am sure we will get part 1 in another few months i mean it's not like we have waited all most a year now for a single update or anything.


Well after checking there fun Discord Koda posted "hopefully 2nd (they plan to post update on june 2nd but we all know how well there release dates go...) it's pointless to discuss ( yea let's not talk about how bad your release are lets just ignore it right?) im going as fast as i can ill post a countdown when im confident


I’ve defended the update times in the past, and would still do now if we were getting abit more communication etc etc, I’m not being an arse when I say this but everybody has been waiting a very long time now since the last update, I mean the last update was a Christmas themed one it was that long ago, And now we’re about to hit the first of June in less than 4 hours time, I personally feel now it’s getting abit boring, I also understand it’s a 2 man team as of current and an update this large will probably take some time, but besides the point we’re getting all ready for when we think it’s going to be released, only to find out on or before the day that it’s going to be pushed back again, it’s not good for morale and it’s becoming a regular occurrence now, I’m personally going to hold out until the end of June, but after that I’m out completely, not because of the price, because $2 a month is basically f*** all for such a great game, but because I’m kind of fed up now of the same old cycle over and over again, I do hope you guys manage to get it out soon for everyone, in the meanwhile I’ll definitely be waiting in anticipation, and good luck


anyway....i'm sad this masterpiece went so bad...i mean...they could split the work in more parts....a single big floor each month updated with things to do instead of a big chunk always delayed. Unfortunately this was my last month, i ran out of money of my credit card; Thank you guys for the work before 7f, sad it went in this way, but i can't (sadly I must add even won't) support you anymore. best of luck even to the community. Farewell guys.


Let's begin the angry mob


The first time I saw this game was on a pirated website. It's great! I like this story very much. At the end of the existing content, I found your web page. So I came here and specifically registered a Patreon account, hoping to provide some support for your creation. Thank you for your great work! I must say, This game is the best of all the games of the same type I've ever played. Don’t be upset and discouraged by a small number of people. Because most people are still willing to support your creation. In addition, I personally have a small wish. I hope that your story will add more hard-core toilet stories in the future. I believe that many supporters will have the same wish as me. Finally, my English level is not very good, so these contents are actually translated by translation software. I am very sorry for this. If there are any mistakes and offences, please forgive me. Thank you again for your great creation : )


Let's make a prediction. Maybe the author can update it before the end of June. XD


I love your reckless optimism "A small number" a lot of people are leaving there already down more then $100 in juts a few days there losing money and fast guess many disagree with you but hey what do I know right?


The funny thing as they ignore there patreon there money flow continues to decrease maybe there start talking to there patrons soon thanks to the money lose or maybe there don't care that much?


Now 2 June ... There is no countdown time for release .. Great.


As I said before, this feels like a severe case of feature creep and biting off WAY MORE than they could chew. I don't believe there is malicious intent here. I don't think they set out to scam people, even though it may feel like that to a lot of you, and I don't blame you! But this project is having MAJOR issues and they need to sort it out for the next update, the amount of time we're waiting for what most definitely is comparably gonna be very few content is simply unacceptable. They might insist it's for "quality"'s sake all they want, but I think they got way over ambitious with this, and would've been a LOT better to cut down on whatever the fuck kind of insane complex shit 7F is going to be, because no matter what. I really don't believe it's going to be worth it, and they shot themselves on the foot.


I think it's more then shoot themselves there bleeding out there patreon will be under $2000 soon

Joe Subramian

As a big fuck you to all of you whiners, I've increased my monthly pledge. Maybe because I've been developing code for a lot longer than most of you and actually know what they're going through. It's very common that a successful product becomes hard to maintain as features get added. The problem is that they're saddled with RPGMaker VX + Ruby for this game - they don't have the luxury of being able to refactor and rewrite this in MV.


we know it not easy but they shouldn't keep giving us date then delay delay delay delay...also they should post more often on what going so we know.. for half a year they only posted twice in here


And again another day push back you never learn do you Koda? You guys are struggling so bad just to release ONE CHARACTER how the hell are you guys going to post 2 girls every 2 weeks if you can't get one girl right?????? I love all so "I will post a 24h count down when I am confident" guess you where over confident there Koda....But I am sure you will see this then hide in your little Discord shell so you can avoid commenting so your Discord buddies will just ignore your faults and just give you praise


I am afraid that koda will be strangled....


rly koda


well they could atleast give us an explenation on why they haven't realeased anything yet, then the community might atleast know what's causing the delay...


Koda WTF?


lmao it's the 4 now and there timer says we still need another 12 hours welp another push back coming everyone just wait for it


Congratz everyone after a 5 months of work time and you get half a cobra update with like 4 new cg as the mighty number 9 creators will say after ripping there backers off "It's better then Nothing"


Still waiting for your comment Koda or Bo wei still no "Full" update and after all this time you still fail to do even one update and even have to cut one update in half sense you fail to even finish it even with more time.......I have no confidence in anything you guys say because you all was fail to deliver it's sad really you had so much potential but you guys keep dropping the ball all I do is hope people start to open there eyes and pull there funding from your project maybe that will teach you guys that lying to your supports come at a price


Bad news: Won't be done. Good(?) news: Still planning to release what I have so people can at least see the gist and hopefully enjoy a few faps. (Call it a playtest or a demo or whatever you want.) I would recommend loading a save with Cobra's original expansion completed, and ~15k gold (Tribute above 5k will be refunded so if you Tributed a bunch in the past you don't need to farm more.) An appropriate Save will also be included. All you have to do to start the new content is speak with Cobra and poke around from there. Make sure to keep backup saves as this version won't receive any meaningful compatibility support. If you want a completely smooth experience you can simply wait for everything to be finished. Release will be tonight, but perhaps past the countdown. That's what Koda posted on discord O-O


he all ready posted that in the community tab your comment is late I am afraid


Can someone give a link to the discord, please?


There is a (short) preview for the Cobra Update in the Community tab. It won't be posted here as it's not a "real" release. Bo doesn't expect 7F until July.


I want a link to the discord, please


Cit. Ethan vs Yvonne: "Boots ! Boots ! Boots !! More boots !!!!" .... we need help :(


Yeah, at first I thought it was a managerial problem, but now I'm starting to doubt their good intentions. Complete radio silence for 2 weeks after a release that was basically fucking nothing. This is ridiculous. Fuck this shit, I'll wait until the end of the month, and then I'm out.


Heels more heels worship =)


please ... update :(


Thanks for the incredible work! Take your time, this is the only good game like this on the market!


Time to get ready for another angry mob


If you go to a restaraunt and order food and the food arrives a week later will you be mad or will you say: it's ok take your time the food is worth it






It's been 6 months since the last update


come on!!




just wanted to say you suck


I'll be honest, I'm probably gonna give it til the end of the month to see what, if anything, is released. If the answer is nothing or very little, then I'm out. There are other developers who I'd love to support, and frankly the $2 could go towards them.


I know its not much believe me I want floor 7 but he did post something new in the community tab


You guys need to chill the fuck out. Theyre not making bank on this. They probably have jobs beyond this game, 2 dollars a month is really hardly anything. Would it be nice if they updated their backers? Absolutely. But stop pretending like theyre committing some human rights violation. Honestly, at the most youre spending 24 dollars a YEAR. Youre going to post paragraphs upon paragraphs of how much you hate someone, over 24 fucking dollars?


Absolutely right I agree man even if you flip burgers you make more than enough to pay for a year of this. And its not like they dont actually put in effort for this stuff. people need to chill.


So it's been 7 months since the last update.


Take as long as you need I know it's going to be great


Are you going to say that every time a month passes?


throwback to 157 days ago when 7f was gonna be released the first time


Can someone give me a invite to the discord please?

Walter C Dornez

can i also get a discord invite?


try this link to get on the discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/2Kaxmmx You can find it in the overview tab.

Viperousバイペラス ?

I have a question I recently became a patreon for this game, I was wondering how much can I show this game on my channel?


is there toilet slavery in the game i remember playing this game when it was early and there was the first girl that had it but is it just her or is there more stuff like that love the game as remember but it was hard i remember that:)


Rejoice my fellow horny gamers for he has put a 9 minute teaser for floor 7 under the community tab go and see!!!




唉 也不知道到底什么时候能更新

Mr Smith

hi i cant seem to find the 7th floor in my game although I downloaded it about a month a go? did something go wrong or did u mean may 2020




lol, nah they are just really late. I think there was a major problem in the 7th floor that they are trying to figure out how to fix.




I was wrong. Two years have passed. Even the eighth floor has been updated, but the seventh floor is still far away.