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If there's more expansion like this time coming in the future.



Yvonne forever! I think that Yvonne's character has the potential to be fleshed out a lot more despite having a lot of interactions already. With Eliza and the more recent Scarlett, I feel that you've reached the right amount of content to make them feel complete. That being said, I wouldn't mind more of Khulan too. Perhaps we can see a vengeful and tougher Yvonne in the subsequent levels?


Khulan! More muscle, more power! Or a witch/sorceress villainess that either grows giant or shrinks you.


Yvonne only makes me excited.


It's hard to decide. Khulan is so strong that she broke my save though. I think I have to start over.


How about a ninja,just like Rumble Roses XX


Probably better just working on new girl, if you update one girl you will probably have to give them all more


Eliza please! I love the sort of Mental domination she has, she has the perfect design too


I'd like a minigame such as Scarlett's Shoes for each boss. I'd also like a little more amplification and progression on them. You could have it so that there is punishment for failure, which makes it easier to succeed, and success is rewarded with better items, followed by greater difficulty. E.g. failing Scarlett's minigame gets her feet rubbed on your face, so you can 'recognise' her scent more easily, and the view is expanded a bit when searching. Succeeding at max difficulty gets your choice of reward, from crafting materials to a special, and of course, foot-related reward! :) And liewise with each of the other bosses... something that caters to their specialties.


But its not fair scarlett had no image


This is good advice, I'd hate for you to overwork yourself. (If possible though I'd love to see some extra stuff for Eliza xD)


Thanks for your detailed thoughts. I was actually going to do something like this with Scarlett, but... I think in games where the player is submissive, you shouldn't force/encourage them to "lose" too often or it loses meaning. Scarlett's expansion already requires you to surrender a bunch and sort of intentionally lose to her feet, so I didn't want to complicate things by also making players want to lose the Shoe Game. I also think that beating her at A/S Rank should be the most efficient way of farming stuff, so I didn't want the rewards to be too good (besides, we all know the real "reward" isn't the items~). There are already a lot of foot related rewards for her mini-game though so... maybe you just haven't found everything ;) On the other hand, I avoided doing some things with Scarlett because she is 1F. Minigames for later/stronger/meaner girls might get more punishing and have more intricate mechanics like that. Feel free to add if you have particular minigame ideas for particular girls.


What sort of things would you like to see for Yvonne?


PS. Your favorite girl is more likely to get expanded if you give me some good ideas for her ;)


I'm torn between new villainess and more Yvonne, I really liked what you did with Scarlet :)


I just want looong & intense foot sniffing / worship scene with Eliza.. Or with anyone xD


If we get a new villainess I would hope for a Dark Elf with Obsidian skin.


A twin fight boss would be interesting idea

Jarred buckley

Something i loved in one of the older games was the merchant that sold your character special potions made out of the merchants foot sweat. Your character built up a weakness/addiction to the merchant and once the addiction meter was full, he got finished off by her. Id love a similar mechanic in this game with either a new character or some of the existing ones where you could drink potions and have an addiction meter for each of the villans and when your meter is full before battle, you drop to your knees and they finish you off or turn you in to a slave or when your meter is full during a battle, they make you cum mindlessly


They sandwich you between their butts/armpits/feet for their grab attacks. That would be amazing.


I would love to see more Yvonne and more ballbusting 。◕‿‿◕。 but development wise, Khulan could use more love. At the end of the day though, just do what you like to do man cause output will be best that way! love your work ♥‿♥


This is truly hard to choose haha. I think one expansion per floor would be perfect. Everyone has his favorite mistress so this would satisfy all of us this way. Of course not at the same time. So for the next update i'd say Yvonne should be next. Since Ethan is already sensitive to Yvonne scent (remember the scene when Yvonne took her boots off) and now he's even more weakened by scent because of Scarlett previous expansion. So you could insist on that and add the brutal side of Yvonne to break Ethan with some kinds of mixt between violence and scent. That's just pieces of ideas, please tell me what you think of it ;)


How about one harem femdom play or sex with more than 2 of them(Scarlet, Yvonne, Eliza, Khulan, or new villainess)(ethan vs them). They sandwich ethan between their butts, armpits(I hope there are intense armpit hair), feet and brainwash with their smell! Or blow bad breath to brainwash and mind-control!


Also Yvonne would be able to open the zipper of her armpit(I hope there are armpit hair, too), crotch with bad smell, and use it to brainwash!


I would say yvonne too. As a scent domme, she probably would be somewhat similar to scarlet, but with a mean streak that scarlet doesnt have. More punishment for failure with yvonne, as she is far more sadistic and apt to get violent. Ball busting seems right up her alley. I think a real stick and carrot approach to yvonne makes sense, where if you follow her orders to the letter, you'll be rewarded (though still humiliated) and small mistakes are punished severely and violently.


Farts. From like all of them. Being able to just surrender and be farted on in several different ways would just be fucking amazing. The bad end is becoming a toilet when you have zero diginity and try to fight each of them, and since you made it a 6 letter rename it's pretty logical. Would love that kind of bad end and surrender...and being able to beg for more farts.


I am totally for Yvonne. Loved her look, her attitude and those feet <3 Some worship would be cool... really would love to lick these soles.


More of that sexy high heel boot-wearing kick chick Yvonne would be fantastic!! 😍


Bo Wei, maybe you should precise something, if we choose an expansion, are you going to make the same upload than this one, like with a new floor and Koda with the expansion ? Or just focus on the extansion ?


this poll is all about Koda. He wants to know the opinion of the community. And I'll always work on a new one every month.


maybe like a karate expert who likes to kick a lot


By the way,how is your plan for the fifth floor,are we voting for the villain and when will she arrive :3

Samuel Lai

More Khulan I think; however Yvonne is great, too. It's hard to choose between boots and ass. If Khulan win the vote maybe a ass cleaner ending is nice. Ethan will be afraid of the power of her butt and kick, everytime he sees(third choice I guess) her, a run and chase mode will be activated, Khilan will definitely catch you and squeeze your head by her foot or butt. After losing for several times, Khilan will break your arms; however, Ethan still tries so hard to prove his courage and bravery heart…finally Khulan feels bored playing with you, she locks Ethan on the floor as a urinal and fart/ass cleaner, she won't feel sorry even she step hardly on your weak body…few days later, your partner save you and heal you. // When It's Yvonne, I think the story may buff the part of bootslave, like clean them by tongue again and again, kissing the place she just rest her feet, finally, Ethan will cum, only when he licks her pretty boots, every footjob or stroke will become a punishment.


I think just going in order of release is a good idea, considering Koda has already started at floor 1. Might as well just go in order and flesh them all out some more. So I think Yvonne is a good choice. As for what would be great to see, a focus on her foot sweat would be great Would love to see maybe drinking a puddle of her foot sweat out of her boots. Would also like to just see a long foot sniffing scene. Maybe Ethan gets tied up under her throne being used as a foot rest for days, and cleaning her feet after her training.


i think id prefer him to go in order as well, it just feels like less hassle but then again if he does what he wants to do more effort will probably go in to the fight and itll be better for everyone. so you do you koda, keep it up


Personally love Yvonne the most because she allows you to degrade yourself further. Making her more powerful in exchange for sexual favors until the point where she becomes so powerful you can no longer win is an awesome mechanic. Would love too see something similar from the other villainess. Offering something that makes them more powerful in exchange for sexual favors suiting to the villainess.


I agree with wanting to have a mechanic that allows you to degrade yourself to any of them is perfect.

Angi Li

Would love to see some boot licking would Yvonne, but I would me more excited for a new villainess. Are you planning on putting a new villianess up for a vote again?


make pls A sexy girl with stocking and high heels as weapon . She can crush our hero under her Heel if u lose to much . like Heel trample and some humilating things ? Sry 4 my English


I really like more trading power ups for favors with Yvonne


I hope there will be a new villainess who uses her barefeet as a weapon and some expansion of Yvonne :)


Some hairs would be cool, eventually for a new vilainess


@koda Are you Chinese? As i know Bo Wei is Chinese so he can do the translation for his part.But how about your scene (Scarlett expansion).I really don't want the Chinese version to stop, not to push pressure or trying to increase the amount of work. Please let me know whatever the future will be stopping or not. But also the expansion of Scarlett was great, very happy that Bo Wei find some mate to work together. You guys are amazing


For Yvonne (Mistress Yvonne soon ?! ;) ), maybe forced to lick her vagina filling of poison. The poison corrupts mind of Ethan. I would to see Ethan forced to give pleasue to vagina of mistress until she cum (girls must have fun with Ethan the slave ;) ).


I'm not Chinese, so it's possible my content will only be available in English unless Bo Wei (or maybe some friend/play-tester of his) decides to translate it.


Hi everyone; thanks for your ideas. I'll give a few notes and let you know my plans. a) I try to make my Expansions use as much of the current art as possible. Bo Wei is busy making a new girl every month so I won't ask him to make a bunch of new pictures, usually just some small tweaks. For example, Scarlett's expansion for instance had only 1 real "major" new piece of art, and I asked for that because I plan to use it on multiple floors. So... please keep in mind that the Expansions will always be more dialogue / mechanic focused. My objective is just to flesh out what Bo Wei already made, not create a bunch of extra work for him :) b) Poll is fairly close but the winner seems to be "New Villainess" and Bo Wei and I have already discussed her design (and he approved). I don't want to give any spoilers but since she won the poll, I will start spending more time developing her :) Since this does require lots of art, it may take a while for her to be released. c) Yvonne, Eliza, Khulan all have lots of votes, so... I'll work a bit on all of them as well. They won't receive expansions as in-depth as Scarlett (at least not yet), but I think that's ok because they also all have fairly fleshed-out mechanics and personality already. Part of the reason I did so much with Scarlett is she had the least content by far. d) So, immediate plans... in about one week we will release a Patch for 1.5 which will have grammar/language edits and also some extra content for one of the girls. There probably won't be an "expansion" for the April release itself, but we'll see.


Thank's for keeping us aware of what's going on ! :) i'm already hype for whatever is coming on next time :D


So... Release time is 16th April or 1st may

Knight Chaos23guard

Maybe there should be a mechanic, where you get trained by Scarlet or Yvonne the Player gets a present like a face mask or something whitch changes the Status or leads to a bad end. (Scarlet transforms you into her dog, Yvonne..)


my guess would be by the end of this month or early may because he roughly takes 4 weeks but hey i could be wrong idk


please have more girls with tease based move like scarlett, where she will not attack you for a few turns, and trys to lure you into either guarding or attacking her...


I’m fine with any and all expansion.


Scarlett is my favorite however. A little more from her would be a real treat

John Doe

I would say that a new villainess is always the best option. HOWEVER, expanding on an already introduced enemy might be a good way to go for a monthly update, if you will be swamped with real-world activities again. You already will have base concept in there + you can re-use some assets already created.

John Doe

As for the potential expansion material among current girls - Yvonne , definitely. As someone who leveled up her Tornado kick to 101 lvl, I would love to see some more with her. Potentially some kind of horrific consequence to giving her so much power - something that will lead to "My god, what have I done?" reaction from the main character.


I want to see more facesitting with farts ocassionally with handjobs too from any new villainess


Could you add in some tickle torture element and edging I was thinking if you could put in some kind of mechanic, for your lust point, and when your lust bar got full, you will cum, and you will be stuned for a few rounds... And the lust bar will start from 0 again There will be some kind of skill to drop your lust point. So that is something extra you have to watch in each battle. So as you become stronger and getting better equipments, your ability to endure lust stay the same. And in that way the if you come back and challenge the less powerful bossess you still might lose. Also can you make some more consequences like when you surrender to Yvonne too many times. Maybe when you cum too many times facing the same villainess, you will have memories of being milked and toyed by them, and you will start the battle with your lust bar half way full already, and the more you lose the fuller your lust bar is when you begin fighting them.


Also i have some ideas about future villainess One is some sort of demoness and she feeds off of your lust, in the begining she will only use ( seduction) attact, without damaging your health, but will dramatically increase your lust point, and followed with a bunch of direct holding skills, so as soon as you got stuned, she will grab you and force you to cum. And the other one is to have a level where you have to fight 2 villainess together, they dont have to be new villainess, just having that you have to fight multiple girls at once, and being overwhelmed by them would be really hot


First off let me just say, love the new girl and the Scarlet update! I was impressed by how much extra dialogue and options and things there were with her. It certainly was a difficult choice for me to be defiant or to give up. Dunno if it actually happens if you choose resist, but when presented with the option of 'obey or never be able to fight her again' part of me wanted to stay defiant, but another part of me didn't want to lose the exp farm or access to scenes. I think tough choices like that are really what makes the expansion great. Personally, I'd like to see more of Eliza, since femdom nuns, especially foot focused ones like Eliza, are one of my favorite things and femdom nuns don't get a lot representation on the internet. ;) Though since we started with Scarlet, it would make more sense to update the girls in order they were released first, so a Yvonne update next would be fine! For Eliza though, I'd say something that plays around with the idea of her 'goddess,' such as more stories of this 'goddess' as the player is further dominated. Such as putting Ethan through similar trials Eliza talks about in her stories during her hold attacks, or maybe even just that, a lengthy sort of 'conversion' in the form of 'the goddess'' trials. Trials meant to 'cleanse' the player of their sins to repent, obey, convert, and follow Eliza and her 'goddess.' But I would love to see Eliza doing a reenactment of that one story where the goddess blindfolds the 3 men and asks them to guess what the item in front of them is, which in this mini-game could be Eliza's heels, feet or pantyhose. But I think the idea of Eliza trying to more actively 'convert and educate' the player through her expansion, would work best. Plus it was rather ominous when she suggested she should further train the player and that he might need a new 'mommy'. ;) Perhaps something along those lines, in the form of 'conversion trials?'


I want to see a villianess that is more than meets the eye. She will be thin, short, but very beautiful and that's her best weapon. Instead of attacking you and doing damage that way, she uses seduction to make you submit on your own. Lust would be your own worst enemy against her as she slowly rubs her ass on your face or kisses and licks you, sending shivers down your spine. It would be a nice change of pace than all the thick and muscular girls.


Khulan is perfect goddess. The booty trap thing is hot.


Boots high heels trampling !


Brutal Ballbusting please


i second that, even if its just an expansion for Yvonne


Succubus maybe?


can you add some headscissor/bodyscissor grab moves for the girls and energy drain/hp drain or mp drain included :)


I think it is about time"quick tongue" became a usable attack, especially for getting out/in of certain holds.


I hadn't thought of tickle-torture, but it fits the girl I'm designing so I'll add a scene/attack like that if I can :)


I may revisit Scarlett in a few months when there's more floors and the story is more developed, and Ethan has had some time to have more "training" upstairs. Then he can report back to Scarlett (if he hasn't been captured by a new owner!) :)


Some cool ideas. I'll keep them in mind :)


More Scarlet~More Scarlet~More Scarlet~HAHA : )


I want to see more facesitting smother


As a suggestion for a new character, how about an elegant rich lady type character who likes to collect 'Furniture' and train 'Pets'. She charms the character and breaks him into being a pet. Maybe she uses a carrot and stick approach where she whips him as punishment and feeds him chocolate with her feet as a reward.


I want the new character--ninja.. and the expansion.. Yvonne or Eliza is also good,




how about try meiko shiraki style?

Jerome Guy

Hey man hope all is well! I assume your next release will be in the late April stages?


How about this style? <a href="http://msize.b.dlsite.net/archives/1651327.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://msize.b.dlsite.net/archives/1651327.html</a>


Khulan(4/F) more please


I think it would be amazing if one of the villainesses you run into ends up being the character's mother, or even your younger sister. Or if you could team up with all the other fighters you rescue only for the opponent to totally destroy them right in front of you. Just a thought!


2/f need more



Jerome Guy

How is everything going Bo Wei?


lol give him time man, im surprised he even manages to push out art + dialog and other stuff every month.


So actually if this is only meant for an expansion, what does the whole new villainness choice mean? Does that mean Koda would be working on one new girl by himself?


i would assume the new character bo wei is working on koda would do an extra thing for her too. I may be wrong though


just 9 day i can wait yes... i can wait...


I looked at in a frame when it became the scarlet puppy in ver1,52. I beat all the boss of four floors. Is there the scene that I miss? In addition, I do not play, should other patches do only ver1,52, too?


You have to keep surrendering to Scarlett in fights and playing the shoe game, alternatively. It takes a while.


I became a dog of Scarlet and also a toilet. Does the story of Scarlet still continue?


Can you dress puppy gear on 3rd floor? In my case, Ethan takes off that gear automatically,when he goes up 3rd. What i need to do?


just 9 days but yet itll feel like a lifetime...


Now I have to put pressure on you. When are April updates?


I voted for Scarlet because she still does not burp, puke or shit on main character. A full pack with this would be awesome. After that it would be cool if every month the next floor gets a major submission course like Scarlet's.


Post part of your work on patreon.

After youth

That part will be so close to the Khulan that I think it needs a different approach. The story goes that Scarlett has a strong fire line, so it would be nice if there were a special-up involved this.




Scarlet is my favourite but the other three mistresses floor deserve more mechanics/achivements/minigames like her. Yvonne has the pee bowl, Eliza the religious conversion/bible/cross... So much possibilities. &lt;3


Do you will do a villainess like Theresa from your previous game?


I forgot to tell everyone but May 1st is my birthday. And I like Khulan very much and if her story grows there is no more present.


Even better, he hinted that she may appear in the Tower in the future.


lol at this thread.

Samuel Lai

Can't wait for 29.


Sadly,he would release it on the beginning of May,not the end of April.


Is it a definite information?? oh..god..plz..TT

After youth

Yeah 29 30 1 2... not care. Calm down guys 😅😅😅


Oh my god so much fighting wtf xD .. Go have a clarity wank and then come back! New content comes when it comes!


Take your time but release some character info would be perfect




Ffs guys leave him alone for now, the new girl is out on the 10th... I can give out some info on other femdom rpg games people might like if Bo Wei doesnt mind me talking about it here.


yeah, as long as the creators won't mind, i'm totally okay with it


Kk cool, Boko877 is the only other patreon creator I know making a femdom rpg game without futas and other weird stuff, called "Girl beats hero."


On Dlsite there are the Monster Girl Quest series, the most advanced one is Monster Girl Quest Paradox, which plays like a Pokemon game, which has a surprising amount of depth.


Another set of Dlsite games are One Syota, and One Syota Kariyume, which play like beatemups, but when a girl grabs you, she force rapes you.


There is also Parade Buster on DLsite, which is sorta hard to explain tbh, look it up on youtube or something, but you have to fight girls in first person and click the right spots on them or you get force raped.


Also my favorite site for real time mixed fighting is Kickass Kandy, I think it has best production and camera quality with best looking girls.


6 games and one video site, leave Bo wei alone till the 10th haha. I dont want him to rush an expansion because people are pressuring him.

After youth

Yeah, We need to wait for the good results. But when Bo writes that info about next updates, people can wait with positive way. Need not too much, Just one comment of current states. And thank you for the information of games bro!!


Hello, i purchased one syota but it is not running, do you know hot to run in win10?


Erm I use windows 7, but you need to switch your global language in control panel to Japanese, I forgot how to exactly word it, there might be a guide on YouTube.


Giantess mistress plz


I love Khulan!


Well, I just hope the latter expansion add some bound and facesit scene.