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Sorry I spent 2 weeks moving back to my hometown.
But now I'm all set, ready to draw some woman's feet.
I'll try to release the March update at the end of this month.

So yeah, I know a few people (I'll called them my oldest friends) has played this, a stupid game I made back in high school.
PRESS "A" on your keyboard to play

(There's no way to win, cumming and die under her ass is your fate. )


Police spy being caught by a godmother

looks like no matter how hard he tried, he still can't escape from her. Police spy being caught by a godmother



Dont worry about it, its a good thing to let everyone know why you didnt upload at a usual time. Please dont rush to finish a stage because you feel the need to upload at a certain time every month.


I just want to ask after this month updates come in end on the months ?


i don't know. try my best to make sure 1 update per month


March 28 is my birthday, I will very happy if you release it on my birthday, it's a wonderful gift for me 😊


Hey do you know if there is a way to play the game in fullscreen?


Wow it would be nice if Tower of Trample had the same type of "impossible to win" mechanic that you used in the end of this game with any of the girls in it, its a cool mechanic.


oh, a nice little game to tie us over in the delay. great

Whisky frisky

"die under her ass is your fate" Can't find that bit am i doing it wrong??


Do not worry about the update the new stage. I hope you everything all right. Take a break until you have time ^ ^


hahahaha that was a fast cute game

Samuel Lai



never seen a concept like that before!

John Doe

Thanks for being kind to leave us a mini game while you work on the time lost during moving.


bo wei,how is the process goes?


finish a big part of drawing and writing now putting them together


bo wei, how to use scarlett shoes on 1/f ?


This is amazing. I love it. Hi people from the comment section. I have a question Is there someone who is interested in making stories for my masturbation training videos


Are you still updating in March?


dear bo wei i dont wanna bother you about the next month updating but do we have it on the 16th of the April?


I doubt it. It will take some time for him to reestablish his old pattern of releasing updates... a two weeks delay is rather big to recover from.


i assume hes gradually going to get it back to normal over a few months or just keep it at the end of the month from now on, both cases I don't mind


upload today?


C'mon don't stress him, i'm sure his working really hard right now. He said he's going to upload at the end of the month so there is still a little bit of time. Please be patient and trust the boss :)


31st of this month is the ideal possible release so it'd be more reasonable to expect it in early April as we rarely have things fall into place perfectly in this world, but I feel that at the point any efforts will be rushed. I'm fine with the release being delayed until April 16th.


I hope release at Thursday because I didn't work at Thursday so I can play whole day


Is it possible to level up Ethan to above lv99 ?


Possible to upload tonight? xd


It 's too hard to wait......


i'm like refreshing the page in every 2hours XD


Senpai noticed. Please be merciful


You may have accidentally created a cult here, Bo Wei-sama. xD


its not a cult, we can leave when we want. more of a drug ring going on where we're addicted and that's why we cant leave but the money is consistent between both reasons


If you not release today, I will kill my gf, please save her, I don't want her to die.


If he does release the game today, would you play it with her then?


my gf will learn from the game and she will do the same thing with me, ahahahaha, and then we fucked


good things require sacrifice though. I'm not saying kill her but she may have an 'accident' to hurry the game along


Is today the day


I want you to tell us when you upload it to us and how it is progressing


Why do not you keep your promise?


It will be really disappointing if you put your time in April.


I wanna play 4th floor.I dont mind unfinished version.Please Bo Wei.


Bo wei is actually working as hard as he can, i'm sure of it. The upload will come when he will be ready. Don't put so much pressure on him, If he gives us a botched work we won't be satisfayed and him neither. Just be patient please.


^This! Thank you Ladrijo and all the other calm guys around. Srly, just reading all this wimpy whining(expect the ironic ones) makes me sad and angry. I'm glad that are at least some people around which stands against this, otherwise, it would be just a huge useless pile of junk putting pressure on our poor Bo Wei - Senpai. Its great to look forward to his next update. Its great that we all want to support him. But bringing up accusations against him? We all want him to keep working as long as possible on such great games. Believe it or not: Our comments influences him. It can push him, motivate him, help him. Or frustrate him in great numbers. We decide. And why would any of us pay him, if we wanted him to stop?


I hope you do not forget those words. Even if it is not uploaded, I hope to continue waiting for friendly words

Samuel Lai

It's no need to hurry, do things right is better than do things fast.


It will be updated in mid-April. sorry.


dont be, we know you're trying and I don't think either of us would like a half working floor. on the bright side itll be back to mid month updates and the schedule wont be messed up


I totally understand. You're putting a lot of effort into this project and it would be bad if the 4th floor suffered just because you were getting situated in your new place. It's one thing to move somewhere, it's another thing to get comfortable and "get back in the groove" of things. Do you thing you could make a post just showing some progress or a teaser though? Edit: Oops. Fake Bo Wei. If Bo Wei reads my comment I'd like a response to it though.


well even if its fake (as I cant seem to think of checking first) the sentiment is still there


He's not real bowei. The real bowei's name color is orange and start with capital letter. like Bo wei


yh I need to get better at this whole checking the obvious dont I?


Hey, there is a fake here, don't trust the guy who name "bo wei" I'm sorry for my delay, but recently I have problem, so please wait until the end of next month, Sorry guy !!!


42mins of hope left


Seriously, we're getting fakes now? Get a life, losers... you are the exact kind of guys those boss women would love to trample to death.


Nop, they didn't even deserve that. But if those morons keep doing it, i'm afraid that Bo wei might stop everything. The goal here is to share our tastes for femdom stuff. But this is getting ridiculous if kids aren't even able to wait calmly

Jerome Guy

Ah he won’t care about them, he can just remove them from his pattern permanently


Ragazzi la cosa più bella è aspettare


Game is ready guys he testing


I'm sorry. I have change to my original name, sorry Bo Wei, I will calmly waiting


If u have a Chinese version please put it out as well :)


hello bo wei i have been trying to get a hold of you would you be interested in designing a female character based on REAL DOMINATRIX and have her voce the lines for that character i know at least one really tall domme who is interested in doing this COLLABORATION with you please reply as soon as you can


Bo Wei you do realize Femdom can include actual penetration in it right? I don't understand why there's almost zero of it in your game. If you want to actual expand your audience, its probably the first step.


Again 1 scene with the amount of characters and scenes is basically nothing.


Good =)

Black Fox Lingerie

Hahahah oh my goodness that was way too much fun. How did you come up with the concept?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

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2021-11-13 22:31:29 asas
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2019-08-23 16:05:56

arts nova
