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  • LoveGathering_A.webm
  • LoveGathering_B.webm
  • LoveGathering_A.mp4
  • LoveGathering_B.mp4
  • LoveGathering_B_Credits.mp4
  • LoveGathering_A_Credits.mp4
  • LoveGathering_A_Credits.webm
  • LoveGathering_B_Credits.webm
  • LoveGathering_Trailer.mp4
  • LoveGathering_Trailer.webm



=====================[ It's FInally here ! ]=====================

Oh boi !
Love Gathering is finally complete guys ! 💦

Thank you all so much for your God levels of patience,
Now it's all yours to enjoy 🖤 

==================[ Download .mp4 & .webm ]=================

So you might be thinking, "Where can I watch this in better quality ?"
Well, it's very simple !

Simply scroll down to the bottom of the post, there you will find all sorts of files types that you are free to download, and use for whatever purpose you have in mind ~🧻

======================[ What is next ? ]======================

The next logical step for me is to give you a version of this animation giving credits to all of you !

So I'll start there as soon as this post is made, I'll update this post with the Credited version as soon as this is done, I will let you know on the Discord when the post is updated !
(To see how to join the discord, scroll down to the dedicated section right bellow 💙)

Then it'll be onto the completion of the NSFW Story, and the cleanup of the PSD files, that I will share with those of you who are subscribed to the Wine tier and above !

Once this is done I'll quickly put together the trailer for the animation that I will then share with the world for free !
I think we're gonna have a lot of curious lads who will join us then ;3

Speaking of friends joining us...

====================[ Join us on Discord ! ]===================

Only 2 days after it's opening, we are already 70 souls on the server (wowie !)

I think you should consider giving it a try !
There, you will get to:

  • Chat with us all, I'm very active there, and very excited to interract with those who allow me to live from my passion some day ! (we're getting there ;P)
  • Follow the progress directly as I upload it there all throughout the day on a dedicated channel !
  • Share lots of fun stuff, being NSFW stuff or Memes, you know, the usual ~
  • And there will soon be some cool emotes to thank you all for your relentless support 🖤

Super cool right ? >;3

How to join ?

The invitation is completely automated, so if you have a Discord account, you might already be here !
But if you aren't, don't worry, there is a super easy fix to that !

Go on a web browser version of Patreon (The App won't do, sadly),
Log in, and go to parameters,
There you will find a tab where you can link your Discord account to Patreon !
Simply go ahead and do that, and the bot will detect that you are subscribed to my patreon, and will add you to the server and give you your role !

So what are you waiting for ? 🦦




Oh. My. God... I mean, i Just cant get enough of It. The animation is amazing, Stolas is Just too CUTE >~< and your ART style is honestly outstanding. I was looking for something Just like that, unique, but that still followed the anatomy of the actual caracters. That slin, tall Stolas is Just to much 🤤


Ah, yeah, "sOrRY foR bAD enGlIsh"... i'm Brazilian, still learning >~<