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Hewwo ~ :D

This is it ! This commission is pretty much over !
All 3 alts have been completed and you can now appreciate how pent up that little bun' really was ! to bad he disobeyed, no real orgasm, nothing to really enjoy, and most likely, an extension of his caging sentence >:3

such is the life of lil' caged bois ~

I hope you liked this one ~
I had plenty of fun with it, and I'm already full of ideas ! >:3
Tomorrow I'll start a new personal project, It will feature andrew, because I'm sure you guys can't get enough of him ;3

Until then, stay fresh, stay great, stay here, DON'T MOVE- *kisses ya cheek* mwah, there ~<3
Bubye ! :p




Hehehe~ that's pretty amazing