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This is getting darker.



Arkham Knightmare

Jesus Christ, I knew Javi said it would get dark, but not this dark. I honestly can’t imagine anybody who would want to hurt the loud family this badly, or maybe it’s just Lina’s nightmare gone wild.


Se volvió Seinen de golpe XD

Tanner Bontrager

She said sir, so that may be Rusty, but what if it may be someone else, like Chandler?

Quinn Bernal

I question whether this is true or not. If I have to take a guess, it might either be a nightmare that Luna or Lina has that's gone out of control. If it did happen though... my God what did happen the last couple of months?


Damn, this got tense real quick, even if this is a flashback. My question is who the hell is holding lina at gun point and what is the motive?


Whoa! This took a quick and unexpected turn!

L Sensei

Que pdo master 😧😧


I bet this is how Lina meet Luna, Luna actually saves her life from that guy.

Tanner Bontrager

My guess would be Rusty, if more happened between him and Lincoln, or maybe Chandler, since he lives to torment Lincoln.


I think it would be better if Lina had a gag in her mouth instead of a blindfold over her eyes.


😨... Well, I wasn't imagining THIS to be in the next page. It wasn't until I looked closely did I see the "TWO MONTHS AGO" and breathed a slight sigh of relief. At least we can be sure that Lina makes it out alive. But how on earth she got into that mess in the first place... Anyway, good suspenseful twist, Javi. No telling where the next page will take us.


Ummm yeah, that just came out of no where. We know Lina makes it out okay so yeah, Imma be bored until we get to something interesting.