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I forgot to warn that the page is delayed one day due to the festivities in relation to the anniversary of the independence of my country. I'm sorry for that.


Olvide avisar que la pagina se retrasaria un dia debido a las festividades en relacion al aniversario de la independencia de mi pais. Una disculpa. 




No Worries Javi! Hope you had a Good Time!


Uffff pa cada vez se pone más intenso

Quinn Bernal

It's fine, hoped you had a good time. Can't say the same for Lina unfortunately. Next page or two is gonna be the big reveal.


Hope The Festival Was Fun. :D I CALLED IT!!!!

Tanner Bontrager

I can tell that this is where the biggest strain will be put on Lina's bond with her parents.


Oh boy..

Arkham Knightmare

Well, looks like Lina is not gonna look at her loving parents the same way again. Poor girl, then again I do see both sides in the situation. So I can’t say no by is in the wrong here

Tronn Tronn

Oh vaya esto va estar interesante, ya quiero ver como reaccionaran Lincoln y Sam al saber que Lina sabe la Verdad. Me imagino que estaran molestos con Lucy.