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Poor Lincoln.




1. Wow, For Once He Did The Right Thing. Thank You Lincoln. 2. Alright Lucy!


This is heartbreaking. Luna is one of Lincoln's closest sisters, and to see her say those words. . . . It really tears at the heart. Emotional scars can leave deeper wounds than almost anything else.


Who could blame him?

David Martin

Poor Lincoln. He's trying his best to fix everything. Luna's definitely going to regret saying that to him. One gripe I have with this page is the confusing panel order. I have to read the page a few times just to fully understand what's going on. I'm so sorry for the criticism. I work on comics myself. 😅 I'm looking forward to the next page whenever it's available.

Arkham Knightmare

And there it is, the resentful that will tear the family apart for years to come. It will be a choice Luna will regret forever, no matter how much poor Lincoln tries to reach out. Lincoln and Sam only have each other now for emotional support. Also, let me guess, did you suffer another power outage Javi. If so, then your area must be cursed or something, or the city's budget really sucks to upgrade their power lines.

Barry Al Fayeed

Lincoln se sentirá solo y buscará su inocencia escapando de la casa


Luna how could you. Is Lincoln gonna run away?

Tanner Bontrager

This might be the start of what leads to learning about the broken guitar seen earlier in the story, and Luna leaving home.

Sergen Wolfox

ufff esto duele cada vez más