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Poor Sam.


Pobre Sam.




Poor Sam☹


Chale estuvo fuerte. Que paso con Lincoln tras la publicación de la imagen en internet?


Well, There Goes Everything.


Así que x fin llegamos a la parte dnd todos acusan a Sam de ser una abusadora. Sabía que llegaría el momento pero verlo fue fuerte. ahora, no sé en qué momento llegará el punto de vista de Lincoln pero seguro será de 4 vías: la primera lo que pase con su grupo de amigos, su familia, las personas que sentirán lastima de él Xq fue "abusado" y x último los que lo feliciten x "ligarse" a una chica mayor Xq admitamoslo en una situación así la chica siempre va a salir peor parada siempre


Y'know What, If Sam NEVER Offered Lincoln To "Kiss Her", EVERYTHING WOULD'VE BEEN FINE!!!!!


This is getting ridiculous. Unfortunately people can be stupid and petty!


rusty was so focued on trying to hurt ,incoln he didn't even think how the photo would affect sam


Poor Sam, my heart pours out to the poor girl. I hope your proud of yourself Rusty. Now I wonder how does the relationship form with Lincoln and Sam at this point, is it at the point of sheer vulnerability when both of them are now outcast? I suppose next week, we see Lincoln getting major backlash. Guess we will find out later.

Quinn Bernal

It amazing how so many factor that, when put together, create a recipe for disaster, especially when a those factors lead to another: The concert happening, Mazzy's reckless entry, Luna's jealousy, Lincoln and Stella getting together, Rusty's envy, etc. As for Lincoln, someone suggests he might not have it as bad as Sam, with some people sympathizing with him for being "molested", and other praising him for kissing an older girl. However if there is one thing the school and his friends will ostracized him on, it's him supposedly cheating on Stella, which is pretty clear she's gonna break up with after the picture, even though like Sam, it's not his fault.


Que triste y es una verdad que tratamos mal otros sin saber realmente los hechos y la verdad detrás de estos


It's even more heart-wrenching than I imagined. . . . 😢 Poor Sam didn't deserve this. False accusations, verbal abuse, all that slander. Those fools. It's hard to believe, but sadly, there really are people in the real world who believe ANYTHING they see online. I can only imagine what fresh hell awaits Lincoln. I honestly don't want to know, but . . . we're going to find out anyway, aren't we? I pray someone helps them clear up this misunderstanding. Maybe Lisa? She can spot inconsistencies in her sleep. She did invent a lie-detecting surveillance system after all. And Rusty. . . . 🤬 What you've done is ruthless and cruel, and completely selfish. Lincoln didn't betray you. If anything, YOU betrayed him. You know, if I were Lincoln, or ANY of his friends when the truth comes out, I would ask Rusty one question — one simple, bitter question. "Was it worth it?"


Damn, That's Harsh

Eric MikaFan C

All of this is f****** Rusty's fault


Poor Sam. 😢 Rusty needs to get his butt kicked.


Rusty would have found another way to edit another photo, there is nothing more dangerous than a mad man or in this case, mad boy with determination.


Please tell me we see Rusty get whats coming to him


Que pasará con Sam? Eso lo sabremos más adelante


Demonios!!! a esa edad la perspectiva de diferencia juega una carta muy negativa y realmente la gente se comportaría así contra ellos, ahhh pero no fueran en la etapa de los 20's que de ahí en delante esas diferencias tienen 0 peso en la opinión, pobre, me parece reconfortante pensar que aún así ella y Lincon se sostendrán como amigos y bueno después la relación. Rusty con un demonio!!!