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Rusty is about to unleash the apocalypse.


Rusty esta a punto de desatar el apocalipsis.




Preparing for imminent destruction😰


Rusty, you scumbag!


Well Shit...


As We can See, Jealousy Can Easily Turn Those Closest To You Into Your Enemies. Poor Lincoln, This Is Happening To Two People Close To Him At Once.

Billy bounce

This is seriously low for Rusty. But I am glad that even if Stella unfortunately gets hurt and breaks up with Linc it’s not his fault and he didn’t actually betray her by cheating. Sucks for Linc but at least he didn’t actually do anything wrong.

Quinn Bernal

I hope Rusty gets his upcommance in this comic. Even though his plan technically backfired because Lincoln ended up with Sam later down the line, the fact he was willing to go so far as to not only intentionally hurt Lincoln, but unknowingly Sam as well is despicable. Everyone at the high school will see that, and there is no way Luna WILL believe Sam or Lincoln when they say nothing happened. There's also Stella, who will get her heartbroken and probably end up making the same mistake Luna did, though this time, it's not really her fault as she has no idea the photo is a fake.

David Martin

No Rusty don't do it! Uh-oh looks like a fight between formal friends is about to begin. Poor Lincoln. He's witnessing two of the closest people in his life becoming enemies to each other. 😞

Arkham Knightmare

Oh Rusty, you are just as bad as Luna, are you really gonna throw away your friendship and ruin Lincoln's credibility just because of your jealously? If this happens, Lincoln is truly gonna go through hell, if worse him and Sam. I can only imagine how this outcome might fracture the relationships from here on out. And go Sam, sticking up for poor Lincoln, since he does not deserve this treatment. Hopefully people will be smart enough to eventually see the photo is a fake.

Fallen Warrior

I knew it Rusty you piece of shit

Fallen Warrior

Shit....and he said this is gonna post on High school board...so Luna, Sam and others will see it too


Lisa may be able to help there. Given her intellect, she could easily prove the photograph is fake. But even so, the damage may already be done. . . .


Rusty, you're making a big mistake. You won't realize JUST how big a mistake until you see the consequences for yourself. And when you do, you may find yourself completely friendless, and you won't have anyone to blame but yourself. . . .

Barry Al Fayeed

Señores pasajeros abrochen sus cinturones iniciamos un largo trayecto de turbulencias. Gracias por viajar con nosotros. Que inicien las Revelaciones

Julio vargas

I hope rusty gets a consequence and that Stella does not ever fall for rusty if she breaks with Lincoln she could get someone else not rusty at all

Arkham Knightmare

I can already see Lincoln and Sam being set on fire before any happiness between them can be created. And yeah at the least Lisa may be able to track the fake account.


There YouTube in Loud House !?

Arkham Knightmare

At the very least, this may cause Stella to question Lincoln and he will admit it, even if nothing he did was cheating.

Sergen Wolfox

No te jode!! Encima de fastidiar las cosas lo haces con la manera más rastrera posible Rusty En otros términos, que lindo el que Sam empiece a defender a Lincon