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Things will blow up on the next page.


Las cosas van a estallar en la proxima página.




This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion


Yep u U Said brother


Alright Sassy Sam, But Luna Does A Point.

Arkham Knightmare

Again, this is gonna cause some serous hostility between Lincoln and Luna, all because Luna thinks it's a crime of Lincoln and Sam being friends. I mean unless they actually did kiss or did anything to compromise her and Luna's relationship, Lincoln done nothing wrong but be a friend to Sam. I mean the fact that Sam opened up to Lincoln instead of Luna really speaks volumes on the relationship.


This is gonna be a bloodbath!


Moments Before Disaster.

David Martin

That's gotta hurt. It's safe to say the Luna and Sam's relationship is going to be ruined.

Sergen Wolfox

Muy gracioso lo de Messi, me agrada la chica xD