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Hello, as you may have noticed, I have been a little absent. I have many pending messages to answer because of that.

What happened is that a few days ago I had a mental breakdown. I felt tired, stressed, and had trouble breathing. Which led me to the hospital. After some analysis and some medications I was able to stabilize myself.

The doctors recommended that I take a few days off and modify my lifestyle. Which could cause requests to delay a bit. I still have some pending requests, so I ask you for a little patience as I fully recover.

Thanks for your understanding.


Hola, como podran haberlo notado, he estado un poco ausente. Tengo muchos mensajes pendientes por contestar a causa de eso.

Lo que pasó es que hace pocos días tuve un colapso nervioso. Me sentía cansado, estresado y tenía dificultad para respirar. Lo cual me llevó al hospital. Despues de algunos analisis y algunos medicamentos pude estabilizarme. 

Los doctores me recomendaron tomarme unos días de descanso y modificar mi estilo de vida. Lo cual podría causar que las request se atrasen un poco. Aun tengo algunas requests pendientes así que les pido un poco de paciencia en lo que me recupero completamente.

Gracias por su comprension



HOLY SHIT! Javi, I Apologize DEEPLY If I Got Impatient! Take All The Time You Need!


Take as long as you need. Your health is more important. Get well soon.


Of course man, take all the time you need. I have panic attacks too, they suuuck. We're rooting for you on your good days and bad days.


So Sorry To Hear That, Javi. Get Well soon, Your Health Is Clearly More Important.

Julio vargas

No rush take care 😎👍

Arkham Knightmare

Ouch, that is rough, yeah take your time to get back on your feet man. Your mental health comes first and foremost

Barry Al Fayeed

Cuídate mucho primero está la salud ante todo. Pronta recuperación


You take care of u man get better soon


Get wall soon.


Oh shit! I too apologize for being impatient, cause I had monthly request with Leni. You don’t have COVID do you?

Fallen Warrior

Take as much as rest you need man, hope you get well soon :)


I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Take care of yourself, Javi. Take a break and don't worry. You'll be ready to start work again when you're ready. We are all thinking of you. ❤


😢 get better soon bro


Take your Time and get yourself healthy. we can wait

Eric MikaFan C

Take all the time in the world you need to rest and to get better. We will wait as long as we need to.


Get well rested and refreshed We are all here for your support


Get well soon and don't stress, we'll still be here when you get back.


No rush my dude take a chill pill and get well 🙏


Hopes and wishes brother!


Please rest well! I pray that you be fine.


Javi, please rest and take it easy. We want to have you around making art for us for a long time