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Sam... what are you hidding?


Sam... ¿Qué estas escondiendo?



Fallen Warrior

Damn, she almost cause the house on fire 3 times? lol And, I guess those mark is a tattoo, and it's for commemorate her dad.

Arkham Knightmare

Well you know what they say “if at first you don’t succeed try again” Nice chapter really establishing the relationship between Lincoln and Sam. And could those marks on her arm be burn marks from cooking or maybe scars from a tragic past. I’m dying to know. Keep up the good work Javi.

Eric MikaFan C

Breakfast is gonna get depressing

Sergen Wolfox

Enserio!!! dude me esta dando una cascada de flashback y empatía, aquella década del 2010 donde era algo habitual entre la generación. anyway, love it! They´re cute