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Hello, first of all I want to offer you an apology for not being able to upload today's comic page, I had a family problem and I think it will last for a few days.

Therefore, the page will be uploaded next week. That means there will be double page as compensation. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


Hola, primero que nada debo ofrecerles una disculpa por no haber podido tener la pagina del comic del día de hoy, tuve un problema familiar y creo que se extenderá por unos días. 

Por lo tanto, la página la subire la proxima semana. Eso significa que habrá doble página como compensación. De nuevo, les pido una disculpa por el inconveniente.



No worries, homie. Go handle your business. Hope everything works out for you and clan Suzumiya.


You do you man family comes first


Hey I Got An Idea, Why Not Just Do Double Pages? Like Take One Friday Off, Then The Next One Is A Double Page. Then Just Keep Doing That, So You Can Have More Time, Until We Reach The End Of This Comic. But Hey, It's Just A Suggestion. :)

Eric MikaFan C

I hope its nothing to serious


Take your time, your family is your top priority. I don't want to be pester, I just to learn some patience.