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Hello everyone! this is a quick post just to announce that the page #13 of "It's (Not) Your Fault" will be delayed a couple of days. This week there have been many power outages due to so many storms that have occurred in the area where I live.

This hasn't let me work on the page or anything else. Like I said, it'll only be a couple of days. The page will be ready on tuesday or wednesday. I apologize for this and thank you for your patience and support.


Hola a todos. Este es un post rápido para anunciar que la página #13 de "It's (Not) Your Fault" será retrasada un par de días. Esta semana han habido muchos cortes de energía debido a muchas tormentas que han ocurrido en el area donde vivo.

Esto no me ha dejado trabajar en la página o en otra cosa. Como dije solo serán un par de días. La página estará lista el Martes o el Miercoles. Me disculpo por esto y gracias por su paciencia y apoyo. 




You Don't Have Apologize, We Completely Understand! :)


Hey man it's no problem it's worth the wait.


Dah, you're all good homie, we ain't going no where.