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Who gave Hitori this false information??

I originally wanted to do this drawing with Aki-Chan but after the lackluster performance of my Spirit Halloween drawing I felt like it wasn't the best idea. I tend to associate how many likes my drawings get with my self worth and since they have been a bit low lately I've been feeling low lately as well. It's something I am trying to work on by avoiding social media as much as possible (I used to refresh the apps like once every hour but now I only check about 3-5 times a day) but it's a struggle nonetheless.

And sorry about the lack of posts this week.. it's been a rough one. Was thrown a curveball this week and had to spend a lot of time trying to figure that situation out. It's not fully resolved yet but I have a couple of options for a potential resolution. Also I restarted this drawing like 3 times lol. But I'm glad I did because this pose was the best one.

Also sorry for trauma dumping lol. I still have some cool ideas for the remainder of this Halloween season so I hope you guys will like them!!
