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Hello Kinksters -

That start of a new year energy is in the air! This and last week's playshops have had great attendance and enthusiasm, and our cohort of mindfulness practitioners have been meditating and journaling up a storm. It's kind of like the energy you get at the gym or a yoga studio in January, and it's a lot of fun to be around!

Just like at the gym, sometimes it helps to have a personal coach. My own schedule has opened up a bit in the new year, so don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to book some time together. I offer half-hour, one-hour and ongoing consults for everything from how to get out of a kink rut to how to launch kink community spaces in your neck of the woods.

Whatever your resolutions are (or aren't!) we hope you're having a great new year.

Read on for this week's events!

Memberships keep Wicked Grounds going. Join our Patreon VIP program for excellent benefits, from free and discounted classes to discounts and free shipping on gear all year round! Annual memberships now available!

Events Roundup!

Thursday, Jan 11

Electro play has a different toolkit from other types of BDSM play, and that includes particular skills to cultivate as an electro play bottom. Join Carmen Pandiego and Nick -Illuminaughty- at 6pm Pacific online for SubSpice: Bottoming for Electro Play. This class will discuss preparing yourself mentally, physically, and making sure you have the right information to be an empowered bottom. Advance ticketing required - get yours here!

Monday, Jan 15

Negotiating is a critical skill for building BDSM scenes, dynamics and relationships that work. But negotiating doesn't necessarily come naturally -- especially for those of us who are just entering the kink scene. Join Miriam Green at 7pm Pacific online for BDSM Negotiation Basics. We'll cover the basics of negotiation and consent, pre-scene negotiations, how to keep in close communication throughout a scene, and even the neuropsychology of how scenes get tricky (and what to do about it). Details & ticketing here.

Tuesday, Jan 16

Sometimes the best way to shake up our nervousness around kink is to literally make a game of is. Playing games is a way to enhance our creativity, our sense of adventure, and our ability to connect and have fun -- so why not extend that to Fetish Games? Join us at 6:30 in San Francisco, where Psychokitty Ryan will demonstrate several “naughty” games and inspire your own. There will be multi-person party games, similar to People Ping Pong and the Three Legged Lace, explained and demonstrated as well as some more intimate challenges for those at home players. Class participation is highly encouraged. Details & ticketing here!

In collaboration with Magickal Crossroads . . . Kabbalah doesn’t need to be obscure, pedantic, or boring. It can be fun, experiential – and maybe even a little dishy. Anyone can master the basics in only a few hours – and the rest, as they say, is commentary. Join Miriam BatAsherah Green at 7pm Pacific online for All the Kabbalah You Really Need to Know in 72 Minutes or Less. Beginners will quickly become acquainted with the fundamentals of Kabbalah, while more experienced practitioners will gain deeper perspectives into the origins of Kabbalah and its continuing relevance to witches, pagans and magickians. Details & ticketing here.

Wednesday, January 17

Looking back at this past year in your kink life can point you toward what you want to change or focus on for this next year. Join Sinclair Sexsmith online at 6pm Pacific for Your Year in Kink for a great structure for doing so! We’ll use our reflections to make some goals, ideas, bucket list, or bingo card for next year. Details & ticketing here.

Thursday, January 18

Is it the sensation? Subspace? Submission? Pain? Yes. In tonight's guided conversation Bottom, Why!? A Conscious Discussion of Why We Bottoms Do the Things We Do
with Ev Evnen
, we’ll explore as bottoms why we are drawn to this side of play. As we dive deeper into our “whys” we’ll find ways to better communicate with our tops and doms, in addition to better understanding ourselves. Both individuals and partner groups and D-types and S-types are welcome to attend. Details & ticketing here.

As we delve deeper into kink and forming D/s relationships, our tools for negotiation and consent also deepen and evolve. In KINK 201: Advanced BDSM Negotiations - Relationships & Dynamics, Wicked Grounds owner Miriam Green will explore setting your own must-haves and red flags, negotiating for play partner relationships, building D/s contracts that really work, how to maintain kink relationships over time, and much more. Details & ticketing here.

Saturday, January 20

A service submissive can be useful in a variety of ways. Why not travel services? In Checked Baggage: Submissive Travel Services, d20domme will explore how to serve while doing so by train, plane, or automobile and how to make any Airbnb, hotel, or shared space reflect your D/s dynamic. This online class starts at 11am Pacific. Details & ticketing here.

In collaboration with Magickal Crossroads . . . Whether you believe in magick, want to believe in magick, or think this is all just a fun metaphor for how the mind works, you are sure to gain new tools and perspectives on BDSM play by attending Sex Magick for Kinksters with Wicked Grounds' Miriam Green, who has been teaching in the world of magick even longer than in the world of kink! This online class embarks at 2pm Pacific. Details & ticketing here.

Sunday, January 21

On Sunday at 11am Pacific, John Pendal offers Dungeon Disasters: a workshop about "all the mistakes I've made so that you don't copy them"! No matter how skilled you are as a BDSM player things can and will always go wrong. This class examines both emotional and physical pitfalls of kinky scenes with tips for warning signs you should look out for, ways to avoid a disaster, and coping strategies when the worst situations seem to occur. We also look at some great questions to improve negotiation before a scene, and ideal aftercare for everyone involved. Details & ticketing here.

Ongoing or upcoming events

Support. Follow. Share.

  • Want to invest in your kink education? Join our new class pass program here!
  • Join our Patreon for personal benefits and to stabilize our long-term trajectory. Annual memberships now available!
  • Use our Venmo for one-time donations toward our sustainability, and to help specifically with scholarship tickets.
  • Follow us on Bloom - the social app by sex positive folks for sex positive folks.
  • Book with us for coaching and consulting time with Mir or to explore our new multi session courses!

Mir & The Wicked Grounds Team

(Do you find this weekly roundup helpful? If this newsletter has saved you time, or given you a great idea, feel free to leave a little something in our tip jar)


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