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Some of you know that I've been teaching in witchy woo-woo, magick and occult topics for even longer than I've been teaching in kink -- about twenty years as an instructor, and closer to thirty as a public ritualist in my primary traditions.

Often in the cooler months -- when I'm not as busy with kink events -- I pull out some of my magick classes and offer them through the Grounds for those who are also interested in this stuff. (Fun fact: the kink community tends to have both more secularists and more pagan folks than the population at large.)

Everyone tends to have a specialty or favorite area, and mine tends to be an eclectic mix of kabbalah and what we used to call chaos magick: so you'll see a lot of my classes popping up lately on things like kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, and sigils. I have to put that Jewish Studies major in college to use somehow!

Like kink, I don't teach kabbalah because it was an easy first fit. My first reaction -- when a friend suggested I start studying thirty years ago -- was that I didn't want to learn a lot of "archetypal, patriarchal bullshit." Well . . . famous last words. Now, the core work of kabbalah is the stuff I can teach in my sleep. It's the structure that I used to organize my thoughts, without thinking about it too much. As Zalman Schachter-Shalomi might say, it's as close to me as breathing in is to breathing out.

If you're called to this kind of work, and think it might be easiest to learn from someone like me, we have several opportunities coming up -- including the huge omnibus course that I only offer every 3-5 years. Here are a few classes that might be relevant to your interests:

If you are also a bit woo -- or just curious, or just think this is all a metaphor for how the brain works -- I hope to see you in one or more of these classes!




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