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A huge shout-out to everyone who is helping us share the good word of Patreon to new members, and a special thanks to everyone who's boosted their membership pledge by a few bucks. With your help, we are back above 91% of goal. Thank you! 

Our immediate goals: 

- By today, get back above 93% of goal ($14K) -- we are about $350 shy of this, or 11 or so VIP Kitty members 

- By end of week, be at least at 97% of goal 

- By end of month, get some buffer in their so we can stop panicking for at least three months ;) 

My deepest, deepest thanks to all our members and to everyone who's helping us stay sustainable. Let's go for Folsom and WELL beyond, shall we? 


Mir & the Wicked Grounds team 


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