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Hello amazing Patrons, supporters, customers, etc.

In the next few days, I'll be sending you our normal exciting list of classes, Folsom week shenanigans, and other fun. Right now, I need your help.

Not to be alarmist but . . . our Patreon support level is back down to 90% of where we need to be in order to stay sustainable. (Pledges are now at $13.5K of $15K minimum baseline. For context, that's money we are currently short to meet our very basic operating requirements.)If you value what we are doing, and you want us to stay healthy and sustainable safe space, please:

- Share our Patreon with friends and explain what we mean to you

- Check your personal pledges: Are they bouncing? Do we have your current card?

- Are you contributing at a level that feels comfortable for where you're at, but not too much? (Just $2-3 more per month from every current subscriber would close the gap easily.)

- You haven't signed up yet? Now is the time!

You all know that we HATE shaking the trees. We also promised you to keep doing so to keep the doors open.Please do what you can for our beloved safe space, and show your leather pride.

Thank you




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