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Folks, we've made history together. It goes without saying -- but we'll say it! -- that we literally cannot do what we do without you. 

Munches. Classes. The best BDSM bookstore in the US. Support coffee. Event sponsorships. Queer & trans outreach. Our kink concierge services. This safe space. Homemade vegan and gluten-free treats. A damn fine cup of coffee. All of it made possible by YOU. 

But it's time for us to reach back out with some real talk. 

We made our community a promise nearly a year an a half ago that so long as we can consistently close our budget gap via Patreon, we will be in this with our community for the long haul. 

Over the past year we've had a small but growing gap from that $15k per month target. At first, it was enough to make up. Now we're facing a monthly gap of over a thousand dollars, and over time that's putting a larger hole in our sustainability.  Given our attrition over the last year and a half, our true goal is to get back to the roughly $18K in monthly support we had in January 2018, which will give me another year or so before I need to shake the trees again. At a minimum, we need to close the gap back to our sustainability goal of $15K.  

This week, I'll be reaching out to the broader community for support. Before I do that, I wanted you all to understand what we're doing and why we're doing it. 

Do you personally want to help? 

  • Check your credit card. Some folks think they are subscribed, but have bouncing credit cards. Double-check that you're not one of them. 
  • Review your subscription pledge. Our gap comes out to less than $2 per current patron. If everyone who can read this increased your pledge by $2/month, we'd close the gap almost immediately. 
  • Help us get the word out. I'll be sending an email to our full distribution list soon, as well as setting up "events" and posts on all our social media to encourage folks to subscribe. I'll share links in the comments below soon. Have we made a difference in your life? Please share with a testimonial! 
  • Want to make a one-time contribution to close the gap? The best way is to buy "support coffees" which go on the wall of hearts toward future donations to our local broke kinksters and neighborhood unhoused. (Just PayPal Mir@wickedgrounds.com with $3.30 for each coffee you'd like to pay forward.)
  • Keep sharing our other events & classes. Getting the word out about all the great stuff we're doing helps us close the gap through robust daily operations, which is I think what we all want. 

I cannot overstate how much we appreciate each and every one of you for your ongoing support. 

Let's keep this miracle happening, together. 


Mir & the Wicked Grounds team 



FINALLY joined Patreon and joined up! :) Thanks for all you do! #LongLiveTheHorde! <3 <3 <3


Thank you so much for your support over the years, and for this pledge! We appreciate it so much.


Today is the day! Please share the word!!!