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Hey there Kinksters!

As we close the curtains on 2018 we hope to take everything we've learned about Patreon, managing media, and what the space is going to become. This includes creating a more tight posting schedule for the Kinky Queer Revolution Podcast.

While going through maintenance we realized that some of the early episodes were posted not as audio files, but as links. So they won't show up on your Patreon RSS feed. Oh no! This is no good. The early episodes are very good and worth having in your podcast library so we'll be reposting them as the "KQRP Archives" on alternating Fridays as new episodes.

Eventually we'll run out of those. But never fear, we'll be posting the entire archive of shows and ongoing shows on YouTube! Patrons will get early access to those videos and they'll be the only way for non-patrons to hear the fully edited episodes.

Many more changes are coming. We're bringing more guests, more info, a (potential) new recording space, and even higher quality content straight to you!

Stay tuned for more announcements coming to our Patreon as we move forward with bringing you more of what Wicked Grounds can do in and out of the cafe. We want to enhance your experience and your ability to engage with all of us. After all, we really like all you wonderful Patrons. A lot. <3

Thank you so much for your continued support,
Johnny The Barista


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