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Hi all - 

If you're subscribed through a credit card pledge, you've probably already noticed that Patreon pledges (and apparently Apple subscriptions) have been flagged by credit card processors as potential fraud, triggering your bank to contact you. 

So far, we've heard from about a dozen customers using at least five banks, so my best guess is that one of the national credit card processing backbones has tweaked their security settings to flag ongoing subscriptions from Patreon, Apple and maybe other sites. (This does not appear to affect our PayPal subscriptions.) 

If this has happened to you, it should be easy to resolve:

1. Reply to your bank's fraud alert (text, phone, online - whatever they use) to flag the Patreon charges as legit 

2. Wait another day. Patreon will re-attempt declined charges automagickally, so if you've told your bank it's legit, it should go through tomorrow. 

Again, this appears to be broader than Patreon. I personally had my Apple subscriptions as well as my personal Patreon subscriptions flagged, so you might want to check on other any other subscriptions you have. 

We are very sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Since this is a fraud alert and not an NSF decline, banks should not charge anyone a fee for this. If anyone is charged a fee, please let me know ASAP and I'll get this escalated with Patreon help desk. 

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your support!

Very best

Mir & the Wicked Grounds team   


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