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Initially I planned to save the graphic update for the 2nd year anniversary, but I see no point in holding back an update, when every character have been rebuilt/reworked for 2.0.

Since this update used up all my time and sanity, I could not make new content this month, so enjoy your favorite characters in new light! (For now)

More details in the previous WIP posts(if you missed it):

Key features

  • Updated Unity and render pipeline version

  • Enchanced shading and lighting

  • All characters have been rebuilt to fully support the updated visuals

  • Overlay UI - an UI that stays always on top, even in VR

  • Eye-glow adjust option for characters, if the character allows, you can even choose between full glow or pupil glow.

  • A new expression subsystem that allows the game to generate more varied expressions(It can't be implemented on all characters, only a few supports this currently)

    Full list of character updates here if you care:

All updates/changes:
-Added SSAO toggle(Screen space ambient occlusion)
-Added HDR toggle(Use it to tune down blooming effects)
-Adjustable screen sharpening
-Added "Open skin folder" button above skin selection, which opens the characters current folder in desktop
-Some default custom skins have been updated with PupilGlow texture for the new Eye glow system
-Night vision and Pixelate filter,Head mounted flashlight option added to Graphics & Visuals
-Shininess setting is saved for all character
-Custom skin loading bugfix,saved skin ID stored correctly
-Emission map override support, enabling reskinning of glowy characters like Prototype
-Selected outfit is saved for next session
-Partner skins & body options merged into one panel
-Since I rebuilt every character, archived ones are moved back to the main folder
-Toned down the loud BJ and penetration sounds a bit

Known issues:
In the main menu, the buttons may appear before the fade out effect ends,due to the overlay UI effect.
-Some maps have a few problems due to the update, but nothing game breaking. The worst is the Forest with some white textures, others missing some graphics elements, like seagulls from the beach. Maps have not been rebuilt with the 2.0 system, so that will probably solve the map related issues later.

Links at the usual place:

Next steps:
I'm kinda tired of Unity, so I take a short break. Then return with new characters on the anniversary, which will be on May 12th. I will most likely release all the remaning poll winners in May.

I hope you like the new visuals/features, and see you later on the Anniversary!


Some previews



finally got my hands on with the update, and the lighting looks awesome! Also glad to see you take a break!


Boutta make my GTX 1050 edge to this update ๐Ÿ˜ˆ