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Hey again ya'll! Here is the process for April: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rmxe8ezcsdcy9ws/AABEIhCQLFcME6I7OKQl26CXa?dl=0

For this process, I have named each of the process steps instead of numbering them to make it more clear what I am doing in each one. For this piece I focused on trying to keep the rendering to a minimum and picking out points that I thought would be the most interesting to apply extra detail. Things like the sword hilt, the change of plane on the hair and some of the hand detail. I want to try to push this even harder next time because I've always really loved the effect. Let me know what ya'll think and if you ever have any questions just send me a message or ask in the comments. Thanks so much again for your continued support, it means so much to me!




So interesting to see as always!!! I would suggest adding the number to the file name like "1sketch" or something similar, the steps appear all shuffled :'D