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  • Jax Kano Wip 1.mp4
  • Jax Kano Wip 2.mp4
  • Spiderman x Venom 3 Wip1.mp4
  • Spiderman x Venom 3 Wip2.mp4



Hey, guys! Here are the upcoming animations that I'll be releasing soon. At this point I just need to make the liquid and add some more details and then release them. I'm in fluid animation hell right now, but I'm sure it will be worth it! 🤭

Kano x Jax 

Been wanting to animate this position for a long time and this 2 seemed right for it 😋
Some previews:There are 2 Wip angles on attachments!

Venom x Spider-man 3

I'm finally using the new Venom model and this time Spider-man will be his partner. After I finish Jax Liquid I'll make one for this one! I'll try my best to release it at the end of the month 😤
For this one I'm going to show the 2 loops I made for this animation.  

 wip animations included in attachments



Looks great! I know it probably takes more time, but I hope you can finish more scenes with happy-ending cum gushers 💦


Both animations look incredible, I especially love the VenomxSpidey just in time for Spider-Man 2


Very fucking nice as always. So excited for my daddy venom 🤪