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Hey guys, sorry for the recent inactivity! I took a break,  and some IRL stuff happened that made me not be able to be in contact.

But now I'm more than recharged for this upcoming month!😤

The changes that I'm making are about releases, I was amming for at leat 3 animations and giving than around 10 days to work, but that is just not working for myself. 

So from now on I'm starting the animation of the month day 1 of each month so I can use all the time that I need for it. The release will be always on the last weak of the month from now on.

The other 2 or even 3 animations will be made in between the  process of the big animation.

New Animations

Here is the previews of what you can expect on December:

Gladiolus x Cor Leonis

This will be a 3-4 part animation of short loops, right now I started 2 of them

Deadpool x Venom PoV animation

This is the animation coming next after the Gladiolus one 😁(super early preview)

Loop previews and HQ images on attachments!



Omg the Venom and Wade wip looks amazing!!!! Can’t wait for all three soon!!!
