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What follows is a collection of thematically linked exploits. 

1. Infinite Hearth

This one is quite simple.  Disconnect while in a loading screen after entering an instance and you will be transported back to your hearth location without any kind of cool-down on your hearthstone. 

This works in any instance, but the new follower dungeons make it much easier to enter an instance than it ever was before-effectively making this an infinite hearth. This is very useful for gold-making (less travelling = more time doing something profitable). It also is a major time-saver when leveling.

Here are some examples of how this might work: a mage might enter a follower dungeon from the looking group finder, cast teleport to any location and press alt+f4 to disconnect-causing them to log back in at their hearth location.

Another class might use their garrison hearthstone and disconnect during the Draenor loading screen again returning them to their hearth location.  

The same trick can be done with the Dalaran hearthstone.  There are other ways to port out of instances but you get the idea.

2. Invincibility Macro.

In this recent post I outlined a method for becoming invincible (or more accurately something like paladin bubble hearth on crack for all classes):


Doing this manually is a bit clunky however. The following macro will allow you to escape with a single press of a key:

/click MicroMenuButton_LFG_Clicker

/click LFDQueueFrameFindGroupButton

/click LFDRoleCheckPopupAcceptButton

/click LFGDungeonReadyDialogEnterDungeonButton

Before you use the macro you will need to select a role and follower dungeon using the group finder tool in dungeons & raids. You will need to do this once per session of play.

3. Simple Phasing Trick For Leveling

The following trick makes you effectively invincible while leveling at 30+ in 30-60 zones. 

Simply join party sync (perhaps with a free starter edition trial account character if you do not have a second paid account) and level normally. If you are overwhelmed drop party sync and this will make the surrounding mobs harmless.

I have known about this trick for some time and didn't publish it because it seemed to have limited use even though it made it impossible to die.. However various expert speed levelers pointed out to me that this could be very useful since they tend to pull a great number of mobs while questing-sometimes more than they could handle-and this was a great alternative to having to resurrect when something went wrong.


Daniel Faulkner

I haven't gotten the hearth trick to work at all for me. Every time I dc, it just puts me in the follower dungeon. When I go to log in again im back in the follower dungeon. I tried leaving the dungeon and then dc'ing on the load screen but just gives the same result as before.