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The following technique I believe to be the fastest possible solo levelling approach.  It is MUCH faster than any basic levelling technique.

It can be used with or without xp potions.

I believe this to be the most useful post I have ever contributed to patreon or indeed, anywhere.

NOTE: This is very important: this exploit does NOT require two accounts. You are using two characters on the SAME account. (I've mentioned plays which use a similar principle for various purposes before and virtually everyone assumed I was talking about multi-boxing. I'm not.)

The basic method is this: 

Take your levelling character to an dungeon instance portal. appropriate for that character's current level.  Create a group using the group finder.

Log-out and onto a high-level character (I'll call this your "main" for brevity).

Take your main to the same instance portal.

Join the group your levelling character created. 

Log-in on your low-level character and accept the invitation.

Take both characters into the instance. Leave your levelling character at the entrance. 

Run through the dungeon on your main and pull everything you can without slowing you down and try very hard not to kill anything. 

When you reach the final boss load up a new wow client. Do not log-out your main-this is important. Just log-in to your account as normal and back on your main.

This is where the magic happens. Your levelling character will receive xp gains for about 20-40 seconds after you log in on your main. Kill everything in the instance with your main character.  All the mobs in the instance should be attacking your main if you've done this right so one blast of high-level aoe should do the trick.

Your levelling character should receive xp for dungeon completion. 

Now, you'll want to take your main back to the start of the instance. If there is no portal (common at low-level) and the walk back is long you may wish to strip your character's armor and use help-unstuck (you'll have to delete your hearthstone for this to work). Sometimes there are ways to kill your toon like lava (eg ragefire chasm) which also work. 

Once back at the start take both characters outside the instance,and reset it, then repeat the whole process. Do this until the levelling gains are marginal for the low-level character, and move onto the next level-appropriate instance.

Naturally, the faster your main is the quicker you'll level. It might be a good idea to get a demon hunter for this purpose, it only takes an hour or less to get through the dh starter zone.  The best possible class to use is a monk: with lag7 and infinite roll it is possible to complete instances in less than two minutes.

This method works very well until level 90-100 where other methods become competitive (see post from a few days ago). 

I have not tested this method with Legion content as of yet.


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