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For this exploit you will need four characters which have not yet purchased a "Faded Treasure Map" from the Darkmoon Faire. Although it can be done as a straight-up gold farming play, it is much more efficiently done using class trial monks. 

You will also need around 10,000 gold to purchase 400 Darkmoon Daggermaw fish from the auction house. This exploit is not without risk but it is one of the most profitable strategies to employ if you are comfortable with that. (If you like fishing and/or are uncomfortable with any risk then just fish them up, it will however seriously cut down on your profit per hour doing it this way).

Having acquired your fish do the following with each class trial monk.

1) Port out of the starting zone to Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Pick up your Darkmoon Daggermaws from the mail box, you will need 100 for each character.

2) Take teleport to Darkmoon Faire.

3) Make your way to Galissa Sundew on the South Coast of the Island. The reason you use a monk for this exploit is to use lag 7 and take advantage of the glitched monk roll which is currently much faster than a ground mount. 

4) Purchase the FadedTreasure Map from Galissa with your Darkmoon Daggermaws.

5) Follow the clues. There is an excellent explanation of how to find all the clues with illustration at this wowhead link:-


6) You should now have 100 Darkmoon tickets. 

7) Go to Barum or Baruma <replica armor prizes> in the middle of the Faire and purchase some of the replica items. These sell for 10-15000 gold (sometimes people try and sell them for a LOT more) each. 

(IMPORTANT: see this warning on wowhead http://www.wowhead.com/npc=55072/barum#comments:id=2366784)

8) Now sell the gear on the AH. You will find this gear doesn't sell instantly but isn't like trying to sell transmog gear which can take months. Usually on my medium-pop realm I have at least one item sold after one week of reposting.

Using a monk you can do all this pretty fast, under 10 mins, maybe 5.  You should quite easily be able to acquire replica items worth an average of 60,000 gold before you hit the class trial cap for the week. Of course, this doesn't take into consideration the time spent reposting on the AH but even taking that into consideration this is a very profitable method.

Additionally, you may want to pick up a Jade Crane Chic when in Stormwind/Orgrimmar from  Audrey Burnhep or Varzok respectively if you choose a Pandaren monk. This is a race-specific pet and sells for over 6000G on average. The pet sells for this much because most players would have to level through the monk starting zone to acquire it.


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