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I am preparing a youtube video on pvp exploits.

There are two battlegrounds I will be covering where players can hide flags, neither of which have been posted publicly to my knowledge.

In Twin Peaks the area to the west of the Alliance base can be scaled by a player using special jump techniques ie disengage, infernal strike, gust of wind, heroic leap and wild charge. 

Unfortunately I cannot depict anything in-game here visually without potentially violating Blizzard's copyright, but it isn't hard to figure out even without that. Use a special jump technique to get up the incline to the immediate left of the eagle statue near the western entrence to the Alliance base. Then jump up and across to the right-you should then be able to jump up behind the alliance base and out of line of sight. 

For Eye of the Storm enter mage tower and jump onto the hatstand at the back. You will need a special jump ability to get on top of it. In front of you slight to the left is a staircase. This is normally inaccessible due to invisible walls. I find that by stabbing my target circle randomly in the middle of the staircase I would eventually find a "sweet spot" through the invisible wall, allowing me to climb the staircase and again, out of line-of-sight.

The flag can be taken to these areas and safely hidden until it is desirable to cap the flag or simply held to close out a win. In eots ou can also simply help hold the tower since you cannot be attacked.

Both techniques are gamebreaking and wll result in bans if practiced persistently in RBG's.

Havoc Demon Hunters can also very easily take orbs out of play in Temple of Kotomogu by using Rain From Above, freeze macro https://www.patreon.com/posts/8242002/

(set to 10 seconds), and then fel rush. This technique should allow you to escape the game boundaries on the edge of almost any inaccessible part of the bg. 


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