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Here is a list of some recent fun exploits:

Knock Rogues Out Of Stealth

The item "Sagacious Incense" is an item designed to increase crafting inspiration for players. It gives all players in the area a buff for 20 minutes when placed on the ground.

This item is bugged: it brings any rogue which comes into close proximity out of stealth. This has an obvious use in pvp: you can place it on the ground and any rogue will not be able to attack from stealth.

You can purchase any quality of sagacious incense to get this effect: currently the lowest quality of incense costs 110 gold on the auction house.

The sticks cannot be used in arena unfortunately.

Kill People With Fall Damage Using Weird Item

The engineering item "Sticky Warp Grenade" is an explosive thrown item which attaches itself to enemy players and switches positions with your character.

I discovered you can one-shot players with this item using various techniques, provided you have some means to transport yourself into the air and then use slowfall.

For example a mage can use alter time while falling or flying on a mount, attack a player with the grenade, then use alter time to return to mid-air, use slow-fall, and watch the enemy player die with fall damage. Monks can do the same with transference.

Warlock Trick

Patreon Ryan sent me the following message:

You might already know this since its pretty public info but warlocks class tree talents are bugged since the 10.0.7 patch. They say they give the pet 5% haste and 5% damage but those buffs are actually applied to the players. The warlock community has been making this public but it hasn't been patched yet and warlocks are currently topping the logs in raid because of it. Here are the links, hard to say when this will be patched, they are announcing nerfs for warlocks but the nerfs don't fix this issue. Here are the talents. wowhead.com/spell=386858/demonic-inspiration and wowhead.com/spell=386864/wrathful-minion

(Thanks Ryan I completely missed this one somehow)

Hunter Feign Death Instanced PvP

This one has been around since the start of dragonflight but I have only just got round to testing it properly what with everything else going on: when using feign death in instanced pvp content hunters lose their nameplates. 

This makes targeting the hunter extremely difficult. This can also be exploited with items that copy appearances. 



What is the hunter feign death exploit?