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On the Isle Of Giants, inside a cave, is the NPC Ku'ma:


Kuma offers daily quests including the quest "Many More Giant Dinosaur Bones" which is offered for 99 dinosaur bones. 

This creates an opportunity for arbitrage using alts. Arbitrage means you buy something low and sell high at the same time for a nice profit. 

Currently* dinosaur bones sell for 65 silver on the auction house, so 99 cost 64 gold, 35 silver.

Spirits of Harmony currently sell for 193 gold. 

Exchanging a spirit of harmony for 99 dinosaur bones gives you a profit of 128 gold + 65 silver.  

The quest can be used from level 35 upwards. So if you run up a number of characters to level 35 (which takes only a few hours currently) and take them to Ku'ma you can buy some dinosaur bones off the auction house, take the character to Ku'ma and park them, and exchange them for gold daily. This should only take 5-10 seconds or so. 

Logging-out of your characters takes 20 seconds so we want to avoid this. The best way seems to be have two clients up and switch between them when each character completes the quest. When you log-in on other character on the same account the logged-on character is immediately disconnected.

You can do this with multiple alts. Assuming current rates your total profit would be 2690 gold with 20 characters for example. 

Eventually you will have to get the spirits to an auction house to sell them. For this reason you might want to level your alts northrend engineering to 50 so they can use the Moll-E portable mailbox toy to send the spirits to main or auction house alt.

It is worth adding there are many strategies like this you can use to beat botting. Botting only works with massive scaling so any time-gated opportunity like this can potentially beat the market. 

*These numbers fluctuate a bit but there always seems to be a significant profit for exchanging bones for spirits. The lowest profit I can remember for this method was 70 gold, the highest over 200. 



Especially for alts, Katy's Stampwhistle is a better alternative to MOLL-E for a portable mailbox. It's a toy item that you get from a minigame at the end of the Lost Mail quest chain in Legion Dalaran. It doesn't require any professions to use.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Yeah I've heard that is very useful ty. Never actually got round to acquiring it so I didn't want to put it in the article without testing.

Mark Jackson

Arch, please, for my sanity, spend the gold for the quest item and complete it. ~ 10 min will save you an hour easily in a week of normal play

Mark Jackson

Futhermore about Katy's Stampwhistle, it unlocks the toy BNET account wide. So any alternate wow accounts under your main BNET will also gain the toy. This applies to allied race unlocks, heirlooms, transmog (artifact appearances too), mounts, pets, toys, and titles. Want to farm that one transmog piece? Multibox 8 warriors through the raid and get those tusks of mannaroth Still need invincible? You've now gained 8x the chances at the mount -8 is the limit of wow accounts under 1 BNET-