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FINAL EDIT I could not trigger the expired auctions dupe in the latest incarnation of this exploit suggesting this also has been fixed. I'm going to retire this article now.

EDIT EDIT (12:15 BST 17 August): Still issues apparently, this time with expired auctions.

Another post from the official forums:

"NA server:

Naturally expiring auctions (commodity) are expiring (set to 12h duration) and duplicating / creating gold and the item again. I opened my mailbox to 80 feasts ‘selling’ but I still have 80 feasts in my mailbox. This happened for every single item that was returned to me. I have the gold, and the items. The game is recording me as the ‘buyer’ but I haven’t bought anything, they’ve just naturally expired.

Please look into this ASAP. It’s not just happening with generic items cancelled (issue from last night), but those that cancel naturally."

EDIT(10:30 BST 17 August): (from Blizzard blue post)

9.2.7 Auction House is Temporarily Closed 37

Update 6:45 p.m. PDT We were able to determine the cause of the issue and create a fix for it. We don’t yet have an ETA on re-opening the Auction House. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Original Post (posted 16 August, appears to now be fixed)

This post recently appeared on the wow bug report forum:


The post gives a detailed explanation of the occurrence of a payment in error for a cancelled auction. The poster gives steps to replicate the bug:

"Steps to replicate

  1. List commodity auction
  2. Cancel commodity auction"

I cannot comment further at this stage as the region-wide ah is not active on EU.

Another poster contributed a post called "Infinite Money Bug" which simply contains this text "Auction house keeps sending me money on items i didn’t sold, idk how to contact a GM so i thought i’d try here". While less helpful the post lends weight to the notion of a systemic bug.



So I can just post items on the AH, cancel my auction, and receive the gold anyway?


This kind of sounds like it


It keeps saying Auction house is closed at the moment for me


"The auction house is closed at the moment" probably means this is getting fixed

Ryan Moore

https://imgur.com/a/txXshe5 Confirmed


Anyone know if this is being met with bans?

Sam L

I currently have my account locked, so yes. I made 1M+


In this kind of glitch would the gold just be reclaimed or does it just depend on where it went?

Ryan Moore

The acct I did it on is currently locked. Not sure if it will be banned or not since it hasn’t said I was actually banned yet. Probably locked while they investigate. Will have to see if the gold I sent off the acct survives. The Accts I sent to aren’t locked.


Does anyone happen to know if the expired auctions bit of the exploit is still active? Have a bit of gold listed right now.


Damnit. Was busy with other stuff and missed this, super unforch.


Does anyone have any advice on how best to take advantage of a situation like this for future scenarios?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Monitor everything so you can jump in when an opportunity arises. I caught this one within minutes of the exploit going live but even then the time available to take advantage was short. If you have a burner account go full hog and spread your profits through the ah and other accounts. If it is your main account or account/skeep it to some amount below a threshold/trigger where Blizzard will take action. That's probably some amount of hundreds of thousands of gold.

Ryan Moore

Update, account unlocked, of the gold I got, only 200,000 was removed. So netting 2.2 million gold.

Sam L

There was a forum post stating they locked players to do a rollback or reset and bunch of people that had interacted with the AH seemed to have been locked. As I was unlocked today, ALL of my gold had been wiped. My bank toon was the only character that had interacted with the AH on Tuesday, but EVERY character I had logged onto this week had their gold wiped, which included my legitimate 350k. I did however receive a free 30 days of gametime to make up for the 3 days locked with no explanation from their end.


Luckily for me they left my legitimate gold alone and just removed my gold from the mail box. Also received 30days for the lock

Sam L

My account has just been unlocked after being locked on Tuesday after using the AH. I did not receive a ban, but I had all of my gold stripped from all of my characters that I had logged into this week, while my bank toon was the only one who interacted with the AH at all. I did get a comped 30 days for not having access to my account for 3 days with no communication from blizzard, but I still lost 350k of my legitimate gold.

Sam L

I had already claimed some of the gold, but once I realized what was happening, I left all the meme gold in the mail. So I can understand wiping my bank toon, but ALL of my main toons was annoying. And they left my main character with 1 copper, which was kinda funny, but really toxic lol

Ryan Moore

Damn, mine got unlocked and 30 days of game time aswell. They only took back 200k of the 2.4 million gold I made.

Sam L

did you manage to hide away the gold or did they just not take it properly


How many accounts did you have that you sent to? Also did you just hold the gold or did you buy things with it?

Ryan Moore

It might be worth noting that I didn't mail the gold to my other account but physically traded it. Might be why they couldn't reclaim it.