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Patreon Erosium, who is a successful warcraft youtuber, kindly sent me the following information. This concerns a method originally developed by patreon Henning Aase. I am grateful to both for sharing this valuable information. 

This method requires some knowledge of how Shadowlands Mission Tables work:

"Basically the mission table takes 5 weeks of hardcore companion leveling to get your companions to level 60 (important because your troops scale off your average companions level).   However the extra wording after is... The troops level does not reduce when you find more companions.  SO if you get a new character or covenant, only have 1 companion, get that companion to 60 SUPER easy via the level 30 boost from oribos flight vendor and then the multiple 75k exp freebies from renown. Then when your level 60 on that companion, all of your troops are level 60 you can hire all the companions you like and your troop level remains level 60 meaning you will be able to complete any mission very very easily. .. Effectively taking a shitty time gate and hopping over it hahaha! I did a new toon yesterday in 1.5 hours had full level 60 troops then went out and found all the rest of the companions and the troops stayed at 60 even though the new companions were level 1."

Henning adds 

"The missing part of this trick is of course too use that level 60 and do all the campaign quests as fast as possible too reach level 20 on the table, the higher you get the better rewards and you get alot more efficent XP missions for the other followers too get them faster too 60."

By being able to complete Missions completely using different characters you can potentially create decent amounts of raw gold on a daily basis. Missions often offer 200-300 gold for what is essentially a single click.



Normaly i am thrilled when i recive a mail from the great Archvaldor considering ive been a fanboy for a long long time. This one however is kinda bittersweet and here goes a little bit whinging. this trick was something i told Erosium on his stream a little bit back and it took me quite a few experiments too get it rigth the first time. When i got it working i planned on sending it too my top four content creators, Archvaldor, Studen, Krakkenlatte and Erosium. in other words i have no problems with him sharing it with you. but when i finnaly found a working hack in the game it makes me a bit sad that there is no credit given. The missing part of this trick is ofcourse too use that level 60 and do all the campaign quests as fast as possible too reach level 20 on the table, the higher you get the better rewards and you get alot more efficent XP missions for the other followers too get them faster too 60. Sorry about this rant but it tickled me in the wrong way. And yes i can send you screenshots with the first char i did it on. /Rant off //Sauface

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Sorry to hear that. So, would you like me to remove the article? Or would you prefer it left up with an accreditation you and an amendment for the additional information? Either way thanks for a quality contribution. My apologies for this situation, I try very hard to source things properly which I do not develop, and get permission to use it, but it isn't always obvious what the source is, I greatly appreciate any corrections.


There is no hard feelings at all and i wanted this too get out too people thus my intention of sharing it with the four content creators mentioned, i am just happy too see it spread. but beeing a grumphy old guy and having played since beta i was thrilled when i finnaly found a "hack" worth the time of players like you whose tips and tricks ive enjoyed for all these years! So please leave it up and see in what ways you can improve it ! i allready see Erosium added the boost too 30 wich i was too stingy too use myself (used the 10k BoA tokens) About Erosium ill put him over my knees and give him a good old spanking later on! //Sauface


Hey Sauface hope you're doing well. I see your comment here wand wanted to offer clarity as something's you may not be aware of behind the scenes. There were multiple people who came to me with information regarding this from my patreon community and I worked with them to create this use of game mechanics. You mentioned on stream on monday something along the lines of "I did something clever with my mission table" and we discussed it a little bit but I tried to avoid saying too much to avoid it leaking out and potentially being fixed. However it's worth mentioning I had been discussing with a couple of team members who are helping me with guides for my website this strategy already. Hence why I included info to Archvaldor you hadnt mentioned at all such as the switch to other covenants to ding 52 renown for easy 75k exp rewards, this type of info was being discussed and added to the guide in works. If you had brought me info that was solely gained from you my friend I would have undoubtedly credited you as I have done with many guides in the past such as a recent one in yesterday's video. You did a great job on finding this, but it is worth considering that many people found this and there's a few people who've been using this for months my friend. Great find all the same and good luck to anyone using this. I truly hope you skip the time gate and get your companions / troops to 60 in no time at all. Thank you Arch for posting this info it's crackin' stuff 👌❤️

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

I am very pleased you have no hard feelings, and I do understand how annoying this must have been. With regard to Erosium I think he is guilty of nothing more than enthusiasm- I should have asked if he was the source but it seemed rude to ask too many questions about the gift of a strong play like this.

Lord Slaain

Would be great if there was a post were people with Youtube Channels can post there channel,i just found Erosium's great video's through this post,probably heaps more great content from people on here i might be missing.

Mark Jackson

@Henning, I discovered an infamous bug in Escape from Tarkov at least a year ago. It allowed you to level your strength/endurance skill to max in about 30 minutes. Maxing out those skills usually takes days of in game time and most players never even achieve it before the servers reset. The beautiful timing of the exploit was that I found it right after they patched the old methods and reset everyone's skills. I discovered it in a glitch-focused discord channel and live streamed it. Had at least 20 people watching it. They/some recorded my stream, and sold it to other communities/people. I never made any money and I was the one who found it. The exploit is what this guy (Pestily, the biggest tarkov content creator), is ranting about here: https://youtu.be/7BGFjJKljCE?t=405 The infamy of him being mad about my exploit was all the reward I got. Which to me, was honestly sweet enough :)


How do i only start with 1 companion? I just did it on my druid who never had a table, when i gave him the level 1 mission table he started with 3 legendary companions? Did i make a mistake somewhere?


Okay i might have an idea, i think i shouldn't have done the covenant stuff in the beginning where you skip a lot of stuff and are able to soulbind with all three companions. I think that unlocks them aswell for the table.

Josh Spyder

Does this work on mission tables besides Shadowlands Arch?