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(EDIT 25/01/2022 FIXED)

The quest "Sore Losers" in the East Of Maldraxxus is *currently bugged. Any covenant calling that requires a bar to be filled up can be completed by simply entering and exiting the mushroom vehicle provided for this quest four times. You do not need to complete the world quest, simple enter and exit the vehicle four times. 

For example today in EU Necrolord players receive the quest "Troubles At Home" which can be glitched this way. Players in non-necrolord EU covenants will receive "A Call To Maldraxxus" which can also be instantly completely using this exploit.

You receive around 2k gold in vendor items for completing these callings. You also receive some valor and reknown (only if you are not at max reknown already for last week). 

The glitch is almost instant in terms of execution. The only time you have to expend will be travelling to Maldraxxus and back to your covenant.

You can do this on any number of level 60 characters. 

*This exploit existed earlier in the Shadowlands expansion and was fixed. It seems to have broken again since. I last tested this on September 23, 2021. 

EDIT: I just tested this with a level 56 character doing "Threads Of Fate" leveling in Maldraxxus, the "Sore Losers" quest allowed me to auto-complete the quest "Rallying Maldraxxus" which gave me 79000 xp,  and also 400 gold + weapon that could be vendored for a further 84 gold.



This also works for threads of fate rallying Maldraxxus. 5% every time you enter and exit the mushroom vehicle.

Lyman Green

Do you feel this is one that blizzard might punish if they realize it?


Quest is named Spore Losers, and the coords are roughly 75, 55.


Can confirm this still works

alan welch

Thanks to a certain duping exploit above, I now have a ton of 60s, id like to complete shaping fate much in the same way that this exploit works, any way to repeat a progress activity for the shaping fate bar ?


Just tried this again on US realms for Threads of Fate "Rallying Maldraxxus" and it was not working for me.


This is up on NA right now and I'm not getting credit for it, can anyone else confirm?