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(EDIT: July 2022 update - essentially this is still working though the azerite gear used to reduce the cooldown on feign death seems to be no longer obtainable. Also the wall separating the glitched mobs from the players has been beefed up and is no longer easily breached. Players can still use barrage to kill the glitched mobs however. This is still a VERY good glitch farm.)

A Patreon recently explained to me how to greatly enhance the power of a gold farming exploit. First, I'll explain the basic method and then show you how to use the advanced method. I'll also show you a new example of this method in action.

NOTE: You can just ignore all the theory stuff here and just go to Razorfen Kraul and farm the glitched mobs in question-however using the full method you will make a LOT more gold.

Basic Method

Long-time Patreons will know that one of the most powerful gold-farming exploit techniques requires a hunter involves using the hunter's feign death ability repeatedly to re-spawn certain types of mob.

For newer Patreons it works this: 

1. You might get 2 mobs in a dungeon, perhaps doing some kind of roleplay. 

2. When a hunter kills one of the mobs, and feigns death, the mob you just killed re-spawns.

3. Repeat.

 This method can allow you to kill mobs very fast-much faster than using any normal farming technique, and get a high chance of acquiring items with a low drop chance that fetch a high price. 

Exploiters try to find mobs which respond to feign death like this. 

New Powerful Method

A Patreon contacted me with the following message:

"HoA + Azerite power Duck and Cover (wowhead.com/spell=280169/duck-and-cover) and the new SL legendary Craven Strategem (wowhead.com/spell=336747/craven-strategem) stack. Giving a 10 FD cooldown."

Why is lowering the feign death cooldown important? Because it increases the speed with which we can re-spawn mobs, increasing our gold per hour profits.*

Farming Razor Fen Kraul For 50-100k Gold Items

The Patreon who shared this info shared an amazing glitch in Razor Fen Kraul . 

"There's a few rare zone drops that are worth upwards of a few hundred k depending on the server.  imgur.com/a/6LoCoTk There's this spot here in RTK. Just near the entrance. These mobs here are riding on some untargetable boar mounts. When you kill the riders, you remain in combat with their mounts still on you. Dropping combat causes the riders to respawn. Seems to be something with rider mobs e.g. Gundrak so maybe there are more out there.  They can't be targeted due to being obscured so I use the survival talent Butchery. It's an AoE that is able to hit them.   Butchery + the FD combo means you're resetting every 10 seconds and with the short butchery CD there is little downtime."

Note that the mobs in question, the Blood Banded Razorfen,  are behind a gate-however this can be jumped over on the left-hand side without any special tricks. 

This is an exceptional contribution: I would bookmark this post if you have a hunter and/or any interest in gold-farming. Note that we have multiple active glitch farms in the archives here based on the feign death mechanic and all of them just became a lot more profitable.

*For sophisticated players-using the play dead ability on your pet while the hunter is in feign death mode will allow you to increase farming even further. You must use a pet with an aoe ability for this to work-a snake/worm with a "burrow attack" ability is a good option. 



I'm not sure how to even get to these boar mounted mobs at all. I can't jump the gate, nor jump on the vine that was in the linked screenshots. Been trying for 2 hrs to do it. (managed to get there just used jump and disengage on the hunter to jump on the root leading to the mobs)

Fats Staf

If you have a way of teleporting forward you can pass right through the gate as well, like Blink, or night fae's teleport from soulshape. Maybe warlock gate or venthyr door of shadows? However you still need a way to drop combat to reset the mobs, where the hunter 10sec FD ability really shines. I got my hunter over the gate by jumping on the wall to the right of the gate as high as i could, turning around so my back was to the gate and disengaged to the top of the gate and over. Then I found I could just soulshape right through it.

Jeffery Nichols

I believe “Duck and Cover”isn’t available anymore. I think they did a new HOA system. All new traits. And UI. Am I wrong?

Jeffery Nichols

Ok. As long as this Glitch is safe. I will be making more than enough gold to cover all 6 accounts. 4 Accounts are expendable. These 4 have my farming exploit toons on them. They disappear .. no problem. BUt these 4 accounts will be making enough gold to pay for 6 accounts and more gold on the side for anything. I have 4 accounts on one screen, spread out evenly. I have a macro program running each one through its FD-Attack-Loot routines Windows 1-4. when the 4th window is done, the first windows CD is reset and ready to go and so on. These 4 accounts total make me 40+ a minute. These 4 Hunters do not have the FD cooldown reductions. ( i found all that too time consuming). While playing around with this. I have collected enough BOES, Blues, Schematic, Patterns, Formulas..etc etc. to keep my bank toon in business for a long time. So now I dont empty the bags. I just focus on raw gold collection. Thats 40g-Minute..2400g-Hour Thats enough gold in a month to keep my 4 farming accounts and my 2 Playing accounts time coins paid for. With plenty of gold left to the side my my Main and alts happy.


I just got duck and cover yesterday, I was just playing some world quests in BFA that had azerite equipment as a reward. Do you only sell blues or do you also sell the greens, I added a few hundred greens and maybe 1 blue hammer but I assume they'd take a long time to sell.

Pacha Factory

hi we don't have any same technics on ruby sanctum with borean leather, becose heavy borean leather is expensive, we can trade 3 heavy borean leather for recipe in old dalaran?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Great post. Worth bearing in mind that despite the recent negativity about the game 9.1.5 is recommended to be significant improvement and it is likely many players will come back making the ah blues more attractive to a broader market.

Nicolai Fonseca

It only spawns two mobs now. So the gold is minimal.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

It was always two mobs only. The point was that with an optimized set-up you can re-spawn them really fast - and get access to drops that normally would be slower to attain than using other methods.

Nicolai Fonseca

Im pretty sure there used to be 6 mobs, stacked on top of each other. As I always needed to press Butchery twice to kill them all. And I got around 5-6g between each Feign Death. Now its only around 1g.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Ah! You might be well be right about that (he said sheepishly), Now I think about it the stacking meant I probably couldn't tell how many there were. Weird that they did such a poor fix though.


What Macro program are you using? I'm trying to avoid getting banend until I have enough gold to buy a burner.


I'm still trying to jump through the wall lol... I guess I can change to Night Fae for blink.


Update, as of 11/07/2021 you cannot jump past the gate anymore, or maybe I'm just really bad at doing the jump but you can barrage through the gate and hit them and just make your pet Fetch the loot and the still use the feign death method and then they still respawn! And if you're fast enough, you can lure the untargetable pigs away from the gate so they dont go through it and just barrage them again so you can loot them yourself without Fetch.


so i managed to disengade and jump over the vines and get to the bobs but they arnt targetable at all seems to be fixed? can only use /petattack to kill the mobs and loot but they dont respawn

Jeffery Nichols

How does the barrage -fetch steps work? Is there a vid?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

So what I did was barrage through the barrier and then use pet fetch, feign death repeat. A bit slower than before but still pretty good. There's almost certainly a better way (play dead for example can be incorporated) but I haven't figured it out yet.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Haven't tested it but I'd be very surprised if that doesn't work because fetch uses the same code. (both used to bring rogues out of stealth that was fun:))