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Whenever a new expac or major patch is released there tend to be multiple niche exploits. It varies considerably but there can be literally dozens of exploits. For this reason I tend to make one post and edit it continuously rather than create numerous articles.

This post will remain active through the end of pre-patch into launch and until the number of reported exploits dies down to a normal frequency (however long that might be). 

June 1

Weak Trolls Blood Granting Bonus Energy

This potion is designed to restore health, but for some reason it is currently also awarding energy to feral druids and rogues, making it very over-powered for these specializations.

Spirit Of Zandalar

When someone completes "The Heart of Hakkar" (https://classic.wowhead.com/?quest=8183), this buff is given to everyone in the area. Currently the buff is awarding both the 15% to stats from classic AND the +50 bonus to stats  it should be awarding in TBC. (There have been vague reports of similar buffs being glitched in a similar manner this needs confirmation). 

Bugged Training Dwarfs, Instant Weapon Skills

The 3 dwarfs to the right of the exit outside Blackrock Depths are well known to exploiters for traditionally having no leash. Blizzard seem to have just fixed this but in the process have made them both invincible and unable to attack-allowing players to quickly raise all weapon skills to max. 

Fast Attack Speeds On Hunter Pets

In Burning Crusade all hunter pets should have a standardized attack speed of 2.0. Currently however many pets have different speeds eg the Winterspring Frostsabers. There is an interesting discussion about this on Petopia, the online resource for hunters, https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/

June 2

Wand Speed Mirroring Mobs

A priest on the official bug report forum contributed this:

When leveling on my BE priest, I’ve noticed the internal cd timer of my wand attacks will mirror the monsters attack speed when I do not have PW: Shield up and the monster is hitting me. As soon as I have PW:Shield up, or the monster disengages (begins running away), my wand attacks will revert back to the 1.5 second timer that my wand has.

This suggests that a strategy involving fighting monsters with fast attack speeds and dropping PW:shield would be advantageous. 

Primal Bug Throttling Supply

Primal materials (eg primal fire, primal life etc) are vanishing when created by ten of their constituent motes. This seems like a bug without any benefit to players, but in fact this is one of the most consistently profitable strategies for exploiters.

The price of anything is determined by how much of it people want to sell and how much people want to buy. When the supply is limited by a bug like this exploiters who know how to avoid the bug by definition must be able to make more gold than they should than under normal conditions.

The strategy here is simple: sell the motes as motes without attempting to combine them. 

(If you have already combined motes and lost primals try re-logging, this should cause the primal to appear in your inventory).

June 3

Simple Fast XP Grinding/Motes Of Shadow Farm

The Warp Fields in Hellfire Peninsula are currently spawning multiple Uncontrolled Voidwalkers- faster than it seems any amount of players can tap all of them. This is the best accessible location for grinding at 60 or below. The mobs sometimes (18%) drop valuable motes of shadow.

Motes of shadow are selling for 3 gold currently on my server. 

June 5

High Level Mob With No Attack

The Felfire Cannons on the Abyssal Shelf, Hellfire Peninsula are maximum level but do not attack. This allows players to skill up almost without interruption by attacking the westernmost cannon (there's a Fel Reaver that wanders around and should be avoided). Also because it is max level the cannons. you can warp certain game mechanics that stack on resists/misses, eg mage combustion can be stacked to 10.

Report Of Dupe

There is a report of a Jade Owl Figurine https://www.wowhead.com/item=21748/figurine-jade-owl dupe on the official bug report forums. 

The poster simply sold the item to a vendor and then 4 appeared in her bugs. I have not tested this so there may be additional criteria for the dupe the poster was not aware of-however it might be a good idea to make one of this if you already have jewel crafting levelled. 

Mysterious Reports Of Incorrect Rested XP

There have been multiple reports of rested xp zones in inappropriate locations especially in Blade's Edge Mountains. This is something just to be aware of-if your xp bar suddenly turns blue you may be able to kill mobs in that area at twice normal rested xp.


Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

That is very high-level exploration stuff unfortunately, for these purposes you are dealing with the modern client and they fixed most of the standard exploration tricks recently . I've been trying a few things but no joy so far. One thing I haven't tried is polymorphing someone through the barrier-that works with a lot of stuff. It may be that the guy went from outland to quel'danas (they are on the same map) but that would be some trick to replicate.