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Here's a list of interesting exploits I uncovered recently. I'm trying to work through everything I have before we get TBC/9.1 and all hell breaks loose:)

Glimmerlight Staff

This is an interesting weapon that drops from the thespian version of Azshara in Ardenweald:


The staff has an unique property: it unleashes a burst of healing and damage when the player goes down to 10% health. This is supposed to be on a 10-minute timer but resets on death. 

Most instances transport you to the entrance or another fixed point on death. It is possible to drag npc mobs to this fixed point and have them kill your repeatedly whilst remaining in combat. This allows you to kill literally anything that can be dragged to this point since your staff will continuously active its burst ability. 

The staff's explosion is very similar to the Lightforged Dranei racial, Light's Reckoning, https://www.wowhead.com/spell=255652/lights-reckoning

Used together these effects can be very powerful for soloing trash in dungeons for gold, since this technique can be used on mobs you could not normally kill.

Rogues Using Bug To Bring Players Out Of Stealth

A patreon kindly contributed this quality exploit:

"Hey, I found a bug that rogues are using. I'll link you what someone wrote about it. I'm about to go test it, but I saw another rogue using it in RBGs and its silly.

Control is King (Outlaw PvP Talent) : When enemy players within 40 yards of you are Stunned, Slenced, or Polymorphed you gain 3 sec of Adrenaline Rush.  This passive aura is currently bugged in a game-breaking, and abusive way. Whenever the outlaw rogue breaks the 40 yards barrier (only from coming further than 40 yards) it instantly brings any enemies within 40 yards OUT of stealth.  For example, the outlaw rogue is 45 yards away from an enemy druid in stealth, as soon as he crosses within 40 yards, the druid will instantly lose stealth and the outlaw rogue gains a huge advantage.  I don’t believe it works if the outlaw rogue is at a shorter range, for example 35 yards, and goes further than 40 yards.  This talent is being abused by rogues in RBGs to bring node defenders out of stealth, and get a free opener on them to take the base. A very small amount of people know about the bug, but once it’s widely known will be incredibly bad for the competitive pvp community.

us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/control-is-king-outlaw-pvp-talent-game-breaking-bug/954889 "

Infinite Spawn XP Farm

The bonus objective, "Parasites Of Reality" in central Revendreth, has an item named "Amalgamation Conduit". This spawns two "Devourer Mites". These mobs yield normal experience. 

If you join a party and convert it to a raid (this can be done with a starter edition account if you do not have a friend or second paid account handy) you can spawn these mobs infinitely. When you click on the conduit it does not vanish, and produces two mites every time. 

The mites supposedly drop boe's according to wowhead, but in practice I got nothing but the occasional junk item, so I do not think this one is a practical gold farm. 

Near to this bonus objective is another bonus objective called "The Banewood", here if you free one of the souls in the area, you gain a buff called liberator's resolve which reduces damage by 2%. Using the convert raid method you can simply click on the same soul 10 times and gain a 5 minute 20% damage reduction buff. 


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