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This technique is very powerful and theoretically faster than anything but requires some set-up and some experience with exploits. This method is not recommended for new exploiters.

The mob Azshari Oracle


casts a spell every 30 seconds where a water elemental is created. This mob awards full experience. 

The Oracle exists in the intro phase of Nazjatar. If you party sync with a low-level character and journey through the starting quests of Nazjaratar (you will need to complete the " a dying world" quest chain that begins Borallus/Zuldazar before you can access Nazjatar) you will eventually reach the quest " Where the road leads". This awards you three powerful npc companions.

In a video I uploaded publicly on youtube I showed you how to use these champions to kill mobs in the area, a method which has now been fixed as most mobs in the area do not award xp. However while the Azshari Oracles no longer award xp the elementals they spawn still do.

Use the following method.

1. Kite each oracle using your npc's to body pull them. Don't worry about your npc's they can tank any amount of damage. To kite a mob without it leashing you need to stop every so often and let it hit you. 

2. When you have as many oracles kited as you are comfortable with (I would test this out with a small number initially as too many make it difficult to see what is going on), simply use a physical attack on each elemental and they will die instantly as your npc's join in. You may wish to use a /tar macro to avoid killing the oracles.

3. There are 8 oracles for a hypothetical maximum of 16 elementals per minute. These award about 16000 xp a minute at level 52, or 32K with rested xp, which is much faster than anything else including other exploits. This upper limit is probably not attainable as it takes at least a  few seconds to kill all the elementals, but it is still faster than anything else, at least from 50-55 (mob kills tend to become less efficient beyond this point). 

Be warned: kiting this many mobs and not killing any of the oracles has to be done slowly and carefully, expect to be frustrated. Also be very careful that the character you party sync with does not go offline-this boots you back to the start of the intro and destroys all your hard work. 


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