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The following item can be used to detect players in stealth.


(Note the comments related to finding the item, there can be phasing issues. Also note that the videos about the item seem to show only one location whereas it can spawn in multiple locations-I found it by a slime pool behind the ruins of the House Of Eyes. Finally, the item can take 5 minutes to re-spawn)

The spy glass works in a rather strange way. When you use it all players/mobs turn into an eye of kilrogg-type flying eye form, including stealthed characters. 

The item's use effect is a bit clumsy for practical use in identifying rogues/kitty druids in pvp. So the best way to exploit the item  is to scan with it and then take advantage of the fact that stealthed characters then appear on your mini-map. 

This item is useable in-world, in both normal  and rated battlegrounds, and effectively makes stealth useless, giving a team a huge advantage. 


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