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( For all patreons who had difficulty finding the two button leveling technique it is here: patreon.com/posts/leveling-semi-up-42147034)

The Ardenweald world quest "Who Devours The Devourers", in the far west of the zone, allows players to loot an interesting item. When you kill "ravenous gorgers" and "ravenous blightwings" during an active World Quest you obtain the item "resonating anima core". 

This is an explosive on a 10 second cooldown which does a significant amount of damage. Normally explosives have very long cooldowns. For a comparison the "nutcracker grenade" the basic engineering explosive in Shadowlands, has a 5 minute CD. There are no zone restrictions on the anima cores, you seem to be able to use it anywhere except arena and mythic dungeons. 

The explosive is not on the global cooldown. This means that other abilities can be used at the same time-so there is no downside to using them, it can only result in higher damage per second.

The main difficulty is farming these items quickly as they only have a 15 minute duration. Unless you have good gear already the gorgers are elites with high health pools that take a while to kill. The best strategy is counter-intuitive - use one anima core on two gorgers. This removes their elite status and makes them easy to kill, producing two more anima cores. It doesn't seem optimal to "waste" an anima core but it does significantly speed up the process. Ideally this should be done in a group but can be done solo. 

if you can farm these items then in raid or pvp content they are very powerful indeed, trivializing a lot of encounters when used in bulk. 


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