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Patreon is an excellent service but it has a serious drawback in that there is no search function for the posts of a creator. Additionally, while there are a substantial number of posts on in the archive here, it isn't clear what does and does not work, so I'm going to be periodically posting updates on to the status of "major" exploits. Everything listed here still works*. I've only included plays which yielded positive feedback from Patreons unless I felt it was of exceptional value. Note the Update comments refer to the current status of the play and any changes. Also, anything I published on youtube is now public information and is not included on this list even if it still works. This is NOT a comprehensive list, there are many interesting, valuable and fun exploits in the archives which don't appear here-I'm focusing solely on what Patreons indicated what they believed to be the best content.

October Update: After a golden period many powerful exploits have been partially fixed - however it is important to understand that the main value of the archive is contained mainly in the archive, not in current or recent postings.

The exp/gold dupe method we used in Loch Modan and elsewhere, where we could repeat quests indefinitely, has now been completely fixed. The Val'sharah infinite mob exploit has also been fixed. The similar druid-only exploit has now been fixed also

I'd like to thank all the patreons involved in creating and developing these exploits and adding truly amazing content.

The pre-patch start of an expansion usually causes a large number of exploits to be fixed as the systems that created them change. However, this also generally leads to many new exploits being discovered, especially with the release of actual new content with Shadowlands.

At this time Classic exploits are simply grouped together under the single tag "Classic", I still research classic for exploits but there are simply very few left in the game that are unknown.

Gold Farming

WoW Retail, 4000-12000 Gold A Day Instantly, Gamebreaking


The default method I use for making gold fast, exploit class trials to use profitable transmutes to make thousands of golds in seconds. This STILL works very well on my realm, with daily profits similar to the original article. Other players report less impressive results. . (October update: the durability of this method is incredible but it surely must start to become less profitable in Shadowlands so don't do this in the days leading up to the expansions release. Check your realm-the price has already tanked on a minority of realms).

How Do I Make Gold With Exploits?

A guide I wrote in response to many newer patreons who wanted to know where to start.


Secret World Boss Dropping 500G, 3-20K Items


(NOTE: now only works in HOF, Terrace has been nerfed)

Two bosses in MOP raids can be farmed  and drop loot normally only obtainable once per weekly lockout twice an hour. A very powerful way to make raw gold with a decent number of alts.  Note the follow-up post:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27635041

How To SOLO The Shadowmourne Questline-250K Gold


An ingenious play one of my youtube commenters kindly shared with me how to do the impossible and solo this questline which normally requires multiple players. Update: This is now worth 400K and one of the best gold-making exploits in the game!

Instakill Gold Farming Death Macro, Freehold-Requires Lightforged Dranei, Partner Preferred


A two-man technique that turns a lightforged dranei into a pulsating machine of destruction.

SOO Trash Farm, Ingenious New Method, 2500 Gold in 11 Mins


Since 9.0 this is now worth 2000 Gold for 11 minutes farming due to the reduction in relative value of greens-it is however the best raw gold farm in the game for a short period. 

WoW Retail, Mine Rare Ore Very Quickly For Short Periods


This technique is designed to mine Titanium/Cobalt Ore for very short periods and hit instance lockout in minutes. Ideal for players with limited gold farming time.

WoW Retail, Infinite Aggro Radius For Legacy Gold Farming, Increase Loot Per Hour Dramatically


A really interesting way to increase your profits from gold farms by dramatically widening the area you can farm effectively.

Ruby Sanctum Skinning Strategy, 40K+ Raw Gold Per Hour


A method to farm Ruby Sanctum for a full hour without lockout. 

Up to 35000 gold every day in nine minutes (requires substantial set-up time)

https://www.patreon.com/posts/7943230 The fastest possible method of raw gold making within the t&c. Requires investment and, depending how much you want to make, a large amount of time invested. All that said, you will be virtually printing gold if you do everything in the guide. October Update: This was the very first post I made here and still generates a lot of raw gold to this day. Unfortunately because class trials no longer award level 3 Garrisons it now requires a lot of gold to set-up, but recent changes to leveling meaning it is much simpler to do with level 10 characters. On the plus side you can't get banned for doing it since exploits are no longer involved.

The Basics Of Gold Farming Exploitation


A guide to the basic principles of gold farming exploitation, giving you a chance to uncover the best possible type of exploit: one that only you know about. Update: A concise introduction to the subject.

10K Gold Item Ultra-Fast Farming Method 60k Gold Per Hour https://www.patreon.com/posts/15785334

A very interesting discovery about Dire Maul allowed me to make a lot of gold using Shaman far sight.Update: Still a very powerful method. The item in question takes a little longer to sell than in Legion. However, this also allows you to control the price more easily.

Instantly And Repeatedly Drop Combat (Pet Classes Only), Dramatically Increase Speed Of Instant Respawn Farms


A basic method to farm all mob resets virtually instantly. Update: Note subsequent articles covered several applications of this technique.

Instance Farming Using Lag7, Primals Worth 3649 Gold In 15 Minutes (Monk Preferred) https://www.patreon.com/posts/8523029

How to exploit a weird lag affect that occurs when you use Monk roll to farm Black Temple ultra-fast.Update: Still works well. Lag7 may not be as safe as it used to be since a recent crackdown on third-party programs.

Profiting From Third-Party Dupes: The Most Profitable Legal Trading Strategy In WoW https://www.patreon.com/posts/24175026

Update:  This was a popular article which should have "evergreen" (ie timeless) value.

Increasing Total Raw Gold From Legacy Raids, Classes That Can Drop Combat Preferred


Update: This was one of my most popular articles, a method that I developed fully quite recently. For hunters: you probably want to read this article first.

Amazing Gamebreaking Phase Bug


A method to remove all mobs from the world, mainly for the purposes of gathering without mob or player interference. October Update: This is one of THE most important exploits to know at the start of an expansion. You can make a LOT of gold with this. 

Amazing Drustvar Phasing Glitch, No Mobs-Herb/Mine Ultra-Fast https://www.patreon.com/posts/23909327

Update: This method allows you to gather quickly and easy in Drustvar by removing mobs. Note that there are other methods where you can eliminate mobs or their ability to attack you using other exploits anywhere in the game, but these methods are generally more time-consuming to set-up than this relatively simply trick.

Farming "Secret" Silverbound Chests-Items Worth Over 50K An Hour


How to use scrying methods to locate chests with valuable legacy items very quickly. October Update: Still works very well and is unlikely to ever be fixed. Has become very popular in classic since I wrote this but is still largely unknown in retail.

Instant Respawn Farm, Drops 13K Gold Item


Update: This popular instant respawn farm still works well. Note that there are actually quite a few valuable transmog items from this farm: but be aware transmog doesn't sell that fast.

Magister's Terrace Infinite Transmog Farm, Blade Of Wizardry https://www.patreon.com/posts/26340672

This brilliant instant respawn method was discovered by patreon Tim, one of the most effective ways to farm the very valuable Blade of Wizardry. October Update: After a short period farming these mobs I personally no longer receive loot. So far as I know this is an account-specific measure applied only to accounts Blizzard consider dangerous.

Instant Respawn Legacy Gold Farm-Items Worth Up To 135,000 Gold, No Instance Lockout


I was really proud of this one and it was and is very popular: I found you could get the archers in the Scarlet Monastery to respawn using a special technique, this is the ONLY known method to farm the valuable "Butcher" weapon efficiently. You also get a lot of other valuable items which actually sell on the AH.

Reset All Cooldowns Instantly, Very Valuable For Solo Gold Farming https://www.patreon.com/posts/23840379

A method for resetting most of or all of your major cooldowns. Very useful when you are farming content your gear is not efficient for.

1000 Gold, 1400 Artifact Power For Roughly Two Minute's Work https://www.patreon.com/posts/24599846

A really simple leeching method for profiting from LFR without doing anything. I was very wary of posting this given it is pretty anti-social but it was very popular. IMPORTANT: note Dubach's comment below the article if you want to afk through warfronts: his trick has saved me days of frustration acquring gear.

Rare Plans Worth 13K, Can Be Acquired In Minutes https://www.patreon.com/posts/20938815

Simple method to acquire a rare plan quickly and easily.

10K Gold Item Ultra-Fast Farming Method 60k Gold Per Hour https://www.patreon.com/posts/15785334

I made a ton of gold with this one personally in Legion, still works well and sells for a lot though demand is a bit lower since the item you harvest isn't part of current content.

Gamebreaking, Limitless Limited Supply Items https://www.patreon.com/posts/18433148

A glitch with a rare spawn trader in Outland.

"Unobtainable" Transmog Item, 80000 Gold Value https://www.patreon.com/posts/19544255

This item is now actually worth more than 300,000 currently. Wowhead lists a verified drop on February of this year from the mobs mentioned in the article.

Siege Of Orgrimmar Skip


The fastest known method to skip past Galakras in the raid Siege Of Orgrimmar.

Increase Gold Per Hour From Stone Lion Farm Significantly https://www.patreon.com/posts/33995602

A method to maximize the profit from farming the stone lion instant re-spawns in the Vale Of Eternal Blossoms. Note that the lions no longer have drops-however they can still be farmed for trillium and ghost iron ore-faster than it can be mined conventionally.

Excellent Sky Shard Farming Opportunity


*Note* This was originally a post about completing the mantid assault in the black empire version of the Vale Of Eternal Blossoms. Going forward into Shadowlands its main value is as a method of killing quickly re-spawning mobs to farm skyshards.

The Most Valuable Ore In Wow, How To Mine It Faster Than Anyone, All Classes https://www.patreon.com/posts/19354807

One of the most important articles I've written. This ore sells quite fast and yields returns significantly superior to most basic farming techniques.

Damage Exploits

Up To 2500% Haste Temporary DPS Burst, Gamebreaking SpellSteal Opportunity (Mage).


An obscure Northrend mob has an ability which mages can spellsteal and stack infinitely creating gamebreaking cast speed. Can be used in Raids/PVE. Update: Still works well.

Enormous Damage Bonus For Casters (40-60)


An ingenious technique to gain a huge crit bonus from Dire Maul.Update: Still works well. Arguably one of the best twink exploits ever.

Reset All Cooldowns Instantly, Very Valuable For Solo Gold Farming


A trick that exploits the LFR que system to reset cooldowns anywhere in the world.Update: Still works.

5-45% Pet/Minion Damage Buff Revisited


A powerful pet/minion damage (de)buff with a weird side-effect.

Using Debuffs To Gain DPS Advantage In Arena/PVE https://www.patreon.com/posts/13396824

Methods that exploit certain abilities (eg touch of karma) which benefit from damage to players.

Bugged Stackable Damage And Healing Items, 98-109 https://www.patreon.com/posts/19878129

Some strange and largely forgotten powerful items from Legion.

Player Versus Player Combat

WoW Retail, Psync Battleground Glitch, Very Fast Honor (Requires Partner) https://www.patreon.com/posts/33825367

This was a wonderful way to acquire gear in BFA. The article is now out of date but will be adjusted accordingly in the next few days. The basic principle of syncing down to lower-level battlegrounds should still work. 

Demon Hunter: (Gamebreaking) Infinite Height In PVP Combat (New Method) https://www.patreon.com/posts/15495492

A replacement method for the old freeze macro allowing the hunter to reuse movement abilities in mid-air.Update: Still works well. In fact has even more uses now since pvp talents work everywhere in-world, and world pvp is now an important part of wow content.

Gamebreaking PVP Buff - Broken Aquatic Transformation Item  https://www.patreon.com/posts/16265012

An aquatic item that gives the player completely broken and gamebreaking speed in any world pvp involving water. Update: Sadly now fixed in bg's.

Twin Peaks - Off The Map With Teleport Ability, Hide Flag


One of a few remaining flag-hiding locations in a battleground.Update: Still works well.

Powerful, Permanent And Undetectable Battleground Trick, Unlikely To Ever Be Fixed


How to exploit the rez timer to gain vastly more uptime in bg's. Update: I use this a lot. Worth adding that macro timer commands are incredibly helpful with this technique, see this resource: https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/MACRO_stopwatch

Debuff Exploits That Can Be Used In Arena And Elsewhere


A rare example of a class of exploits which work in arena.

Winning Arathi Basin: Comp Stomp VERY Fast (Requires Set-up) https://www.patreon.com/posts/25565970

This is a truly great way to get a ton of honor and gear very fast when this brawl is up, but it requires completing the netherwing rep grind first.

Major Twink Exploit XP Off Character In XP-On Battlegrounds https://www.patreon.com/posts/25429969

This bug allows you to que in xp-on battlegrounds with xp-off, allowing twinked players a huge advantage.

Strange Seething Shore Exploit


A weird glitch in Seething Shore which can allow creative players a significant edge. Note: if this doesn't work on the ship try moving around a bit.

Over-Powered, Game-Breaking Vegetable-Can Be Used In Battlegrounds https://www.patreon.com/posts/25181882

Possibly the best article I or any one else has ever contributed to Patreon, or perhaps the internet itself.

Other Exploits

Major Gamebreaking Invincibility/Phase Exploit https://www.patreon.com/posts/14112132

This VERY powerful method makes the player effectively invisible to any mob in the game, while allowing them to heal and/or attack with minions.Update: Worth adding that this allows the player to gather herbs and mine without harassment making it a huge money-maker in BFA. It also allows healers to focus exclusively on healing in raids since they take no damage in fights.

NOTE: This is VERY valuable at the start of an expansion due to the enhanced gathering speed. Start grinding rep now and you will have a huge edge at the start of Shadowlands.

Gamebreaking-Summon Infinite Trolls Anywhere


October Update: Still works but sadly only 3 trolls may be summoned at a time. Nonetheless this still allows most classes to have infinite resources and makes several tanking classes literally invincible. There are many class abilities in Shadowlands which can exploit this glitch dramatically.

Dodge All Major Physical Attacks (Monk)


An interesting and popular method for monks to gain >100% dodge chance.

Mob In Elwynn Forest That Makes Vengeance Demon Hunters Invincible


Instant respawn mob allowing demon hunters to replenish their health indefinitely.Update: Still fun.

5% Stats Buff Useable In Dungeons And Battlegrounds


A simple consumable item from Tanaan Jungle which works everywhere.Update: Still works.


Infinite Speed, Flying in No-Fly Locations, Trivializing PVP/Gold-Farming-The Power Of Lag (Guide)


Update: A detailed guide to the power of lag in wow generally, this is something that can't really be fixed in an MMO like Warcraft.

Infinitely Repeatable Quest


Update: Still works well. Useful for xp, rep etc, requires automation.

Infinite Mobs In Draenor, Fastest Mob Grinding XP Method


A method to generate infinite mobs that you can grind XP with in the Spires Of Arak, Draenor.

Semi-AFK Instant Respawn Experience Farm 60-80 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23350217

October Update:  A rare combination of player assisting npc's who for some reason don't leech xp, and fast respawns of hostile mobs. Much more interesting in 9.0+ as mob grinding is significantly faster.

Non-Public Leveling Techniques


Update: Some secret highly powerful strategies I didn't put in my last penultimate video. People really liked this one.

Virtually Instant Maximum Guild Reputation


A BFA quest which can be repeated for leveling guild reputation in only a few minutes.

Experience Dupe (Legion Content)


This was somewhat controversial despite the considerable interest in the exploit. This allows you to level passively: it is not especially fast but it can be automated quite easily or done semi-afk.

Fastest XP Farming Method For Horde At Low-Level https://www.patreon.com/posts/24280271

A very popular trick for grinding up fast for Horde. October Update: Still works well and can now be used up to level 50 in Shadowlands..

Create Infinite Invasion Items-Virtually Invincible In-World https://www.patreon.com/posts/16141613

A technique to gain any number of stackable healing items that were supposed to be limited to a small number of uses.

World Quest Bugged - Control Powerful Vehicle https://www.patreon.com/posts/27925147

A bugged vehicle in patch 8.2 can be controlled - very effective in pvp and for localized gathering/farming. Limited to the quest area. (October Update: unbelievably this still works in 9.0).

WoW Retail, Rogue Damage Ability Does Not Unstealth https://www.patreon.com/posts/34847834

A trick for rogues to gank players/mobs without breaking stealth. Also works with killing spree (I didn't know that when I wrote this).


WoW Classic, Incredible Mob-Tagging Strategy, Gamebreaking XP (Preliminary)


This article contains the secret to the fastest possible form of leveling in classic wow. Requires a high-level partner with a pet/minion.

Enslave An Entire Army To Fight For You: The Oldest And One Of The Most Powerful Exploits In WoW, Gamebreaking, Requires Non-Trival Set-up

https://www.patreon.com/posts/31792038 This is one of the most powerful and definitely the oldest exploit method to exist in World Of Warcraft. It actually works on retail also but I included it in the classic because it can be used for power-leveling in classic.

WoW Classic Overview And Working Exploits

A summary of basic exploit methods in classic wow. https://www.patreon.com/posts/29058906

WoW Classic, Instant Respawn Skinning - Best Alliance Location For Light Leather Farming, Fast Leveling At Low-Level

A very popular post revealing an excellent location for skinning at low-level in Loch Modan.  https://www.patreon.com/posts/32671302

(Wow Classic) Infinite Damage Stackable Item (Alliance)

A method to stack increased damage from a consumable item infinitely.https://www.patreon.com/posts/29472693

WoW Classic, Ingenious Method For Dropping Flight Path (Massive Time-Saver)

https://www.patreon.com/posts/31458171 A very clever method developed by Kenneth at Ownedcore that can save a lot of time.

WoW Classic, Random Exploits

A collection of interesting niche exploits.https://www.patreon.com/posts/30292789

WoW Classic, Amazing Infinite Dungeon Boss Adds Gold Farm

https://www.patreon.com/posts/31248431 A clever trick for use in the Scarlet Monastery allowing a player to farm certain mobs forever.

WoW Classic, Infinite Respawn Farm, Great XP And Gold, Level 57+,

THE best max-level instant respawn farm. https://www.patreon.com/posts/33825828

WoW Classic, Secret Exploit Farming Techniques For Your Mount At 40

https://www.patreon.com/posts/32898788 The fastest techniques to grind a mount at 40. Contains a terrain glitch which makes the player literally invincible.

WoW Classic, Infinite Respawn Quest, 55-60, Gold Farm Potential

https://www.patreon.com/posts/30881418 How to use a quest item to glitch infinite mobs to appear in the Western Plaguelands.

Warsong Gulch Classic-Trap Enemy Players Permanently

https://www.patreon.com/posts/32704777 A naughty trick to lure players into an inescapable pit, leaving their team a man down for the entire duration of the bg.

All Known WoW Classic Instant Respawn Locations

A list of instant respawn locations in WoW classic. This will be continuously updated.  https://www.patreon.com/posts/31175897

EARLY CONTENT  These are exploits from very early in this site's existence when the membership was literally a thirtieth of what it is now and consequently player feedback was much less, so determining what was of interest to players was more difficult. I've added a choice selection here based solely on my own opinion:


A priest specific method for farming Dire Maul for the Nat Pagle guide. I made a huge % of my gold in Legion from this.


A method to fly for thirty seconds in instances. Requires some set-up in the Firelands instance. This is a play explorers have told me they find very useful. This is also useful for boss skips.


A method to very temporarily massively increase HP. To execute this one properly would take a highly skilled team but it can potentially trivialize even mythic raid encounters.


Some weird techniques to generate damage to players on-demand and exploit abilities such as Touch Of Karma.

* Unfortunately,  especially with guides and lists of exploits it is easy for me to miss something, and I do not always receive information about fixes in real-time-it is literally impossible to monitor the status of hundreds of exploits. That said I believe I do a reasonably good job of keeping the archive up to date and greatly appreciate any feedback on the status of exploits contained therein.


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