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EDIT: Fixed. Mobs now drop no loot.

The following exploit allows you to create infinite mobs for fast experience gains or gold farming.

The quest "Close Enough To Touch" lies near the end of the Val'sharah quest chain. In this quest you are meant to locate Malfurion Stormrage and must search through some illusionary manifestations of Malfurion. 

The second, illusionary Malfurion in the quest is located at the edge of a pool next to a nightmare totem. When you click on the image of Malfurion a darkfiend trickster appears and attacks you.

You can glitch this in the following manner: 

1. Click on the first illusionary Malfurion, then go to the second and join a raid group

2. You can select one of the many raid groups usually advertising on group finder. 

3.  If you have difficulty finding a group that will accept you, you can start a group yourself, log-out and have one of your alts join it-then convert the party to a raid by right-clicking on your character profile in the top left of the screen and then selecting "Convert to raid" from the drop-down menu. 

4. Once you are in a raid group when you click on the second Malfurion you will then produce infinite lootable Darkfiend Tricksters.

The Tricksters drop fairly standard Legion items-some trash items of marginal vendor value, Shal'dorei silk, greens, and can also yield lucrative items from boon enchants. You can automate farming the mobs easily. This is probably the best in-world raw gold farm in game currently, but the real value of the farm is in experience gains for players in the 98-120 bracket.

This is the fastest possible form of mob grinding. There is a significant problem however in that if a same-level player summons infinite mobs then they will quickly become overwhelmed. The best solution is to pacify the mobs with aggro from something like a high-level Brewmaster monk statue. The leveling player may wish to use BFA engineering explosives to speed things up.

A warning: do not overdo it. You don't want to crash servers, which is a possibility with a infinite replication glitch like this. I would try and avoid having more than a hundred mobs active at any one time. 

EDIT: I'm still working on how best to optimize this. Seems like a persistent aoe ability such as flamestrike or consecration works best, since this minimizes gcd downtime. Not clear to me how or if the gcd interferes with the clicking on Malfurion in some way.



Is this phased or can anyone attack these mobs?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

It is partially phased but others can see and attack the mobs. Best to do this off-peak if possible. I accidentally killed a player doing this the first time, best to avoid reports.


i suggest following the wowhead guide https://www.wowhead.com/guides/valsharah-leveling-path to quickly get to the quest


This is very gamebreaking, even better than the Vale farm in terms of exp (possibly gold too, need to test that). I will be waiting until off-peak hours to try this as there seems to be a lot of people leveling and they can see what you're doing. Have you tried this out extensively? and what were your gains if so?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

The vale farm was pretty special in terms of the stuff you could sell on the ah, this is a different sort of thing. The significant value here is in the rare drops and I'm not even sure how well they sell any more. In xp terms this really rocks with a statue and some explosives, probably a lot faster than anything.


Nice tips, thank you archvaldor, gonna try this during night at 3 am haha to avoid people :)


Did anyone try this? Im interested in raw gold. Im multiboxer and im curious How much Gold i can Farm with this exploit with 5 accounts

Ben W

Did this for 30mins, earlier just spamming mobs, basically junk items, the odd green and some cloth. Doesn't drop gold.


But do you sells this trash? If yes, how much gold you received?

Ben W

In those 30mins I got about 3.5k that's not including cloth

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Note that its pretty easy to turn the cloth into bracers with a shuffle using an alt/class trial tailor, which adds a nice chunk of raw gold, if you don't fancy trying to sell it. On my realm the cloth generally sells pretty quick for around 5 gold each on the ah though.


i will try and post my results here


I recommend spawning a few at a time and then diving in the water so that the bodies aren't visible in plain sight. Nice find Arch!

never mind

can you get banned for this? im new to this so just wondering

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Welcome mate! Yes you can get banned for this if you trigger multiple reports and/or create too many mobs. However if you keep the number of mobs you create under 100 or so and don't piss other players off you will probably be fine. There are also guys here who will literally 20-man bot this, and might get banned-but they know the risks.

Jason King

There's several, basic ones you just need to program them.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Based on Ben's estimate below and my own results after some tweaks you should be shooting for about 35 to 40k raw gold. If you can shuffle the cloth into bracers or sell it you could be looking at a bit more-and if you can sell the rare weapons a LOT more but I have no idea if there is even a market for that any more.


We are doing it atm but at level 114 we are gainning only 12 exp per kill, we can't make it a good way to exp ?

Joseph Wilson

I think you would want to not be in the raid. You would want to be there as a bystander while someone else triggers the quest


How much exp do you get from each mob? Doing it with a 110 DH it gives me 69 exp per each, do the level of the player that triggers the mobs matter? Cuz i've been triggering this with a 120 char.

Tom D

Hey Arch, from what I'm understanding, you have to click Malfurion each time to spawn the mobs? Don't wanna get overwhelmed or accidentally spawn too many when I try this :) Thanks in advance

Simon S

How many spawns do u get after some pratice? so like how many in a 1minute


Its not bad, best way to optimize this is to change your interact keybinding to a key so u just spam the interact key to generate the amount of tricksters u want.


is there a specific timing to speed up how fast they can spawn?


So the secret is into spawning a lot faster to make it profitable?


Before 110 i believe its around 330 w/o rested. That 69 number is all i could get with my 110 as well even with party sync i still haven't tested doing it with a level 100 in party sync might work better though since that should give you the full 330 theoretically lol

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

No. Apparently Patreon have some issue with this happening randomly. Please re-post it (if you would like to). I greatly appreciate contributions, I'm sorry about this, it is out of my control.

Sensual Tyrannosaurus

Okay, so even at 330am, my server was fairly busy. Here's how I was able to keep somewhat low key and farm an "estimated" 20k/hr according to a 30 minute Worthit farm recording. 1. Critical to set up a keybind to interact. I used my ~ key. 2. Set a focus on him. It'll make it easier to stay in correct position. 3. If looking at him from the water, stand on the right side of the totem. You'll be in best position to jump in the water and slightly kite the tricksters WITHOUT getting stuck in the water. 4. Make sure before you start, you rotate your camera angle so that you are looking UP the path. This is so while you're banging the interact key, you can see if anyone is coming. Since this is a linear quest, traffic will only be coming from up the path. 5. After about 10 spawns, I jump in the water. And as a DH I fel rush twice to get deep quickly. From here, I turn around and waste them with my Eye Beam. Then ... Rinse and Repeat :D (Go to step 1.) Now, if you run out of bag space, or you just wanna see that sweet gold, mount your tundra underwater, so when you leave, the NPC don't stick around in "public." From a 30 minute session recorded on Worthit: Raw Gold - 222g Item Value - 10,383 Almost 100 Shal'dorei Silk Two Rank3 Recipes A handful of BOE Countless vendor junk.


Hey guys new here. But just wanted to drop my two cents on this. There is a Felslate spawn right next to this so beware of miners flying around. Also Brewmaster Monk seems to work really well for me. I place transcendance deep in the water at least a taunts distance away from Ox Statue. I place my Ox Statue in the water on the edge of its range and it pulls all the Tricksters down to it. When at a hefty number of Tricksters I Transfer to my Transcendance and Taunt my Ox Statue. Keg Smash and Fire Breath. Loot and repeat. Hope this helps.

Mathias Møller

Do you have to get the quest? before this works?

Sensual Tyrannosaurus

Yeah, its part of the main story quest line. You can get through the quest chain in about an hour from start to finish, to where you need to be.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Should take less than that actually if you avoid the side quests, there's a link to help you do this above in this comments section.


figured i would give this some of my thoughts and experiences as a 2x4 multiboxer. do not take this as gospel as a multiboxer, and especially as a solo player. i have not been keeping track of the amount of loot as i have been keeping my number of addons to a bare minimum as this gave me a shedload of lag even on minimum settings with a 2080 and 3900x first thank you archvaldor, within a month my £10 was well spent. definitely keeping with you for a while 1) the amount of loot will scale quadratically up to 25 - that is to say, 1 character gets 1x as much loot, 2 characters get 4x as much loot, 3 characters get 9x as much loot, 4 characters get 16x as much loot, and 5 characters get 25x as much loot. so for maximum efficiency, do this with 5 2) this has already been reporting on the wow forums a few days ago, so it is only a matter of time before it is fixed. personally whenver someone has run past i've mounted up and disappeared as they're not likely to figure out what you're doing, but still take caution not to get reported 3) this is best done on a class that has a spammable or a persistent aoe ability, for example; monks with rushing jade wind, paladins with consecration, death knights with death and decay, etc. 4) i personally set up an isboxer key map that swapped between using a loot-a-rang, death and decay, and assist/interact with target all on individual timers. this can be emulated for normal players using a keybinding for interact with target, your aoe ability, and then your loot-a-rang, maybe even with the latter two in a cast sequence macro. for maximum efficiency you want to macro /target malfurion in with them 5) you will want to be killing enemies and looting them as fast as possible, but you want to start with killing a lot of them (2 minutes worth seems to be the golden rule for me) and then looting them all at once to maximise the efficiency of your legion shoulder enchant - either harvester which you will have by now from the dreamweavers emissary or boon of the scavenger from enchanting, as they both seem to start their cooldown after you have looted the first bag. to simplify that a bit, when i bundled up one massive loot after 2 minutes i ended up with around 10 bags every 30 or so minutes and when i did not i looted only 1/2. this is pure speculation, but does not harm you in doing it 6) if you are doing this at max level you will want to unequip all of your gear except your heart of azeroth and an azeroth piece with the vampiric speed power as it will keep you at max health whilst not making you overkill the enemies. because then not all of your characters can receive the loot 7) i received an epic piece of loot (which i always vendored as they're worthless on my realm) every 5 minutes and about 150k in raw gold from greys and green boes. that isn't including shal'dorei silk or leystone lockboxes, but i ended up with a metric shit-ton of both. you definitely want a vendor mount for this 8) i've found two bugs doing this; first of all your ui may become uninteractable - you have to relog to fix this and malfurion may disappear (especially when saving up for one big loot) in which case just run away until malfurion despawns, usually indicated by the totem next to him also disappearing, and then run back to him and he will reappear that's all the advice i can think of at the moment, hope this helps :)

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Thanks for that long, detailed and interesting post. Regarding the lag: wow was horrible for me yesterday with multiple disconnections doing anything so I'm not sure how much of it was this. The shoulder enchants do seem to have a very high probability of producing loot early on and then go on cooldown-this cannot be chance.


Hi, i´m trying this at night around 3-5 Am. I think i´m doing something wrong. I pull like 100 mobs and kill them with my 2 chars. But i get an average gold like 6-7k/j each. Its like 14k an hour. And then im selling ght cloths.like 5k each 2g. = 10k. Now my average is like 25k/H. I think i´m doing something wrong... Can someone help pls. Would be nice :)


from my experience you're able to spawn 1 mob per second. with 2 people doing that and both tagging them that ends up with 4 instances of loot a second. this ramps up all the way to 5 at which point the number of people able to loot each mob is capped, with 5 mobs spawning per second with 5 instances of loot. so doing this with 2 is nowhere near as lucrative as 5. extrapolating your gph (as i don't have any of my own) means with 5 characters you end up with 156.25k per hour, just over 31k each a few other things; by the sounds of things you're stopping to kill them which won't be as efficient as dropping an aoe e.g. sigil of flames + immolation aura, consecration, death and decay, and flamestrike (off the top of my head) and carrying on with the spawning whilst they die around you. you can also do this pressing 3 buttons (or less with macroing); an aoe ability, a loot-a-rang (toy which only requires engineering), and your interact with target key bind which makes this extremely afk with only the occasional movement/relog when malfurion despawns or your ui becomes uninteractable. also shal'dorei silk has a shuffle with the silkweave leggings which put their value at around 2.5g, if you can be bothered to craft them once this gets fixed best of luck!

Sensual Tyrannosaurus

Not to encourage a derailing of thread, but this is amazing. Where would you suggest learning about efficient multiboxing setup and software?


i can't recommend the software isboxer enough. i'm sure you can emulate what isboxer does using autohotkey but you'd be building a frankenstein script whilst not really knowing the capabilities of multiboxing. that's exactly where isboxer excels - you go to create a new macro and it tells you all of these things that you can get isboxer to do, all you need to know is where on the program to find it. and it builds all those macros for you. unfortunately, nothing good ever comes cheap and it is $15 every 3 months with cheaper deals when you pay for more months at the same time. though it does have some a free trial that could be useful to see if multiboxing is for you. i have little experience in autohotkey, which leads me to be more more than qualified in saying there's no reason to use it when isboxer exists unless you have a background in programming and can create a flawless frankenstein code out of it. for all the props i give to isboxer i must concede it's extremely daunting at first. you will look at it and go "what am i looking at" and it doesn't do a fantastic job of telling you what it can actually do but once you overcome that hurdle it's very intuitive and you won't find yourself needing much help. just the odd bits here and there that everyone forgets, and maybe compatability issues. to answer your question though as that was a major tangent, dual-boxing forums https://www.dual-boxing.com/forum.php and the isboxer discord https://discordapp.com/invite/ESxEzhs will contain enough help to get you started especially if you choose the isboxer route. setups are very subjective. most people swear by using the default party composition (which is definitely not for beginners) which allows you to do higher-level content but for straight open-world farming it's pointless. personally i couldn't be bothered setting it up, especially if you want efficiency. my favourite compositions are either brewmaster monks for the statues and 100% uptime aoe, unholy death knights for their reanimation pvp talent which can pull mobs ~60 yards away and their insane aoe, affliction warlocks for how simple and effective they are (not to mention curse of shadows is op with 5 locks), and paladins for how good they are in group content when running 5 dps. best for exclusively farming would be balance, unholy, or brewmaster. you will also want the jamba addon from curse forge as it gives you quite a few tools to help make multiboxing more convenient, for example; follow strobing, a synchronised item bar, and quest functionality. hope i answered your questions, best of luck :)

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

That's a fantastic post Cam. For any one feeling a bit intimidated by mboxing I'd recommend Kraken Latte's excellent introduction to the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUZSmmK9hdE .


I just tested this and while it still works... after about 5 min or so the illusion disappears so it works for a short amount of time but not for long. after about an hour of logging out the illusion appears again


Very nice trick ! I'm doing this with my Warlock lv 120 and a voidwalker. It auto-taunts + one shots them at the same time the moment they spawn. So basically you just keep spawning them and then loot. Currently doing it solo and checking how much g/hour I will earn


so tested with decent geared monks at level 110 they kill everything within around 3 - 4 seconds with a constant spawn only stopping if people get to close so i can allow them to quest i made around 10k per char raw gold and around 2k worth of cloth so a really good raw gold farm i was doing it with 5 though so maxing out the loot rate with 5x spawn.

Francois Lavoie

ive set up a macro that reads the following /tar Malfurion /cast Consecration i bound that macro to wheel-scroll up, and then bound "interact with target" to wheel-scroll down. i loot every 2 minutes and scroll up every 10seconds to refresh consecration, otherwise i just sit there scrolling down, and watching netflix.

Antonio Lyubchev

Any idea of how can I start the valsharah questline on a boosted 120? I unlocked order hall but still can't start


Guys found this in the forum, https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/whats-going-on-here/148556. just be carful

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Thanks for posting that. Fortunately I don't think anything will come of it because of the heavy emphasis on mboxing-bliz made it clear multiple times they don't care about mboxing and will probably just ignore it.


But they can still ban u, if u heavly abuse this or?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

They can do whatever they want, it is their game. But they have to a) catch you b) calculate that banning you is worth the sub money you bring them. Neither of those is easy or inexpensive.


This post has made me feel 100x better about doing this the MVP saw everything and said multiboxing is legal but botting is not as long as you dont automate your good! I also have got a hell of a lot more complaints / reports multiboxing ore spawns so as long as this is in the game i will farm it hardcore from now on.

Bruno Lucas Borges

Can confirm they drop purble BOEs, got a https://www.wowhead.com/item=141568/boughs-of-archdruid-van-yali&bonus=1808


hey Arch this is amazing thanks. Are the bracers the best shuffle if they're cheaper than just AH'ing the silk? EDIT: also is it generally more profitable to just vendor all the greens and blues? unless the blues/epics are worth something. IDK if the greens are really popular for transmog

tayfun kaptanoglu

I suggest using a DH, spawning a decent amount then kite them under water to stay lowkey. Use eye beam and repeat

Bruno Lucas Borges

Can someone relate to the fact that the boon stops working after a little while? Not dropping satchels anymore

Bruno Lucas Borges

Oh that's prolly it. Didn't knew about that CD systen

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

No reason why you should, it is something people have reverse-engineered over time by experiment, Blizzard never explained it. I'm still not sure exactly how it works but it gives me a satchel every two stime I run seat of the triumvirate when I log-on, and rarely otherwise.


anyone know of the best way to sell/shuffle the tons of shal'dorei silk? Especially if the price is less than 2.5g per. was also thinking it may just be worth holding onto the silk until the price recovers (if it does).


was happy seeing that topic fade into obscurity. sadly it's recently been necro'd, so no such luck 😟


Personally I'm crafting with it and vendoring the result, since I cannot be bothered to disenchant it all.

Sensual Tyrannosaurus

Just wanted to report, this is still going strong. And, if he despawns, here’s a trick: First, abandon the quest. Then run up to where you accepted the last stage. Revert back to party mode. Accept the quest, while keeping in party mode. If you stay in raid mode, his first location will behave the same way as the exploit. He will be there waiting for the exploit again. Turn raid back on now, and go like hell!


I've found that the best way to deal with despawning is to simply fly away and come back. In fact, if you fly into the Emerald Nightmare zone you get ported back closeby. It'll effectively be reset.

Alejandro Vital

I've been doing this for an hour, tried to optimize it recording mouse and keyboard (using a single character) and i only got like 60g per minute.

Anthony A Martin

Best bet is to get rank 3 of the cloth pants Legion going; it only takes Honored with Court of Farondis to get to, and the pants made vendor for 40 to 54 gold, depending on whether they upgrade or not.

Anthony A Martin

That seems about right to me; I'm averaging around 3.5k an hour from trash and greens alone. The lure of this is the potential for Legion BoEs and shoulder enchant bags to drop, as well as a lot of Silk; even if the silk won't sell for over 2g on your server, it can be made into pants that can be vendored for a good amount. 3k silk can net you approximately 6k gold via crafting.

Sensual Tyrannosaurus

Anyone been punished for this, yet or at all? I’m on a full server and there are multiboxers exploiting this at all hours that I’ve gone to it. Had someone screaming at me yesterday about being a cheater and supposedly reported me, with his entire 2x4 setup.


well https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/whats-going-on-here/148556 was about myself and i'm still going strong

wasd .cantmove

how is it possible to level over 110 with this exploit?

Geoffry Nagy

Maybe I am missing something but how does party sync work together with this exploit? I tried to party sync while in a raid but seems it doesnt work.

JHobs ToxicTiger

How do you even find this stuff. quest specific exploits seem ludicrously hard to find

Sofie Madsen

Maybe some of you are in the same situation as me on this farm. On my realms its been taken over completely by bots, so instead of competing with them, I go there with my lowlvl-rogue, spam pickpocket and ''help'' nuke the mobs down. Exp, coins of air, cloth and greens and boon-stuff. Im exploiting the exploiter, that took my spot and I still make decent gold of it:)

MrWhatsInTheCooler .

is this still active or perhaps players are starting to get clapped? the multiboxers i had been leeching off from various servers all seem to have disappeared

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Just went to check it out and someone was actually farming it there already...this on my dead realm (aerie-peak). Btw There's other stuff like this if it ever gets fixed.

MrWhatsInTheCooler .

Anyone have any macro and binds advice for how to more efficiently spawn and loot here. I have using monks I can get the to interact, aoe and loot but I either get them spawning too efficiently that it never loots or that I'll end up with awkward pausing gaps after loot before it kicks into spawning. This is all using lootarang to loot. I noticed a smoother spawn to loot pattern when I was click looting but I figure lootarang is easier than lining up my camera but any advice out there is appreciated Arch and patreons


Did this for around 20 minutes, and got approx 1k gold. did this with bm monk, tornado and a multi-click button mouse. Is this what people get?


With a team of 4 we get 11-12k per an hour, as soon as a 5th joins it it goes up even more. If you use windows, try out the "Ease of Access Mouse" functions. Unless you have hotkeys assigned to your numberpad, it should allow you to use it as your mouse.


If you have a short cd/instant cast aoe ability, just do: /tar mobnamehere /cast abilitynamehere If you use windows, try using the "Ease of Access Mouse" function. If you don't have any abilities hotkeyed to the number pad, this allows you to instead use it as your mouse. So you can just leave your mouse over Malfurion, and spam the number "5" on the pad as your click. Doing this will produce no extra mouse movements, so the only thing to change your camera direction is going to be looterang. Also, I tried with both looterang and hunter fetch, neither effect clicking on Malfurion. So you don't ever have to stop. Hunter Fetch also does not change the direction your toon faces, ever.


As of the 9th of August, this still works. The EXP seems slow, however, but the ability to farm non-stop is still appealing to me. I will try to level to 110 this way. I have a short video as a demonstration of the farm. https://youtu.be/RJZZiDbba5A The malfurion does seem to despawn after a time, so you'll have to abandon and restart the quest.


It is a private video. It can only be found if you have this link.


you don't need to restart the quest if he disappears. either logout or move far enough away so that the totem despawns and malfurion will have reappeared.

Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce

If anyone wants to do this as a group, I'll keep my group listed when I'm doing it, look up 1039 in custom and pst me the password: pineapple

Kobe King

Believe this has just been fixed as of today

Malte Quast

Can confirm, mobs stopped dropping stuff like 1hr ago


Yep, Fixed :(

Malte Quast

does anyone know a similar farm?


Sucks so much i had a fair number of accounts ready to go today as well..


Confirming as well, what a bummer.

Kobe King

Anyone aware of anything better or equal gph/ was making about 1.5m a day doing this farm


shame. was making around 450k an hour for mashing a footpedal once a second.


Yeah i really wish I saw this earlier, i need a gold farm to save up for SL.


They're no more lootable

Mr Jaqobi

Is this fixed now?