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 I wanted to put this exploit in my recent leveling guide but I discovered it just too late for publication. The quest:

"Thunderdrome: The Ginormus!"

offered in Gadgetzan, Tanaris (no pre-quests), offers an interesting opportunity. This quest is simply a straight fight between you and the NPC in the title. Although the quest text states 3 people are recommended, a player with basic looms should find the fight easy. 

The NPC is an elite, and awards elite experience. The quest can be dropped on completion and restarted allowing you to spawn the NPC continuously. With alliance war mode, Draught Of The Ten Lands, looms xp bonus, winds of wisdom and rested experience it is possible to level up in 5 mins from 40-41. Rested xp doesn't last long at this level, but even without it, a level every 10 minutes is quite possible. With a guild banner and  the 15% xp bonus you can go even faster. 

Normally I would put "level 40-60" in the title but since party sync is now a mainstream concept that doesn't seem to be appropriate any more. You can sync with a level 1 starter edition account and do this quest endlessly up to 120 if you choose.

The one downside is that at peak times on populated realms you will get other players using this area which will slow you down or even make it impossible if the opposite faction interfere. An interesting oddity: if you help another player of the same faction you both get full xp, so it may be a good idea to try this grouped up as you can burn down the elite npc faster for the same reward. 


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